Their Excellencies would like to invite you to their home on Friday, December 21, 2018 at 7 pm to enjoy an evening of friendship in Celebration of the Citadel Tradition of Saint Stephen’s. This potluck feast is a chance for the Populace for the Citadel to Celebrate the Holidays together. Their Excellencies will be providing …
Category: Newsletter
Posts checked with this category will get featured in the upcoming issue of the Baronial Newsletter.
Oct 26
Outlands Volunteer Coordinator for Estrella War seeks a coordinator for Citadel
Greetings to teh faire and mighty populace of the Citadel of the Southern Pass! As you know, shortly after winter ends we will go to WAR! Saerlaith inghean Robeaird, Outlands Volunteer Coordinator for Estrella War, is seeking one amongst our populace who would be a good and willing assistant for our Barony to help gather …
Oct 23
St. Edrik’s Court Report
Herein lies the court report for The Feast of St. Edrik in the Citadel of the Southern Pass on October, 13th, 2018, A.S. 53. The following awards were given by Their Excellencies Tariq and Elieth. Lord Tachibana Hideaki is the newest Heavy Armored Champion & Bearer of the Baron’s SwordLady Dragoslava is the newest Rapier …
Oct 23
Citadel Appoints New Baronial Knight Marshal
Greetings Mighty Citadel! Pray heed! Citadel has a new Baronial Knight Marshal! Dominus Servius Cassius Caledonius Ahenobarbus (mka Scott Honaker) submitted a letter of intent and was deemed acceptable by both Their Excellencies and the Kingdom Earl Marshal, Sir Lothar vom Bergenwald. We look forward to working closely with Dominus Caledonius as we strive to …
Oct 23
Recommending People for Awards in the SCA
Shayk Tariq, Baron of the Citadel of the Southern Pass The Society of Creative Anachronism (SCA) is an international re-enactment organization focused on the re-creation of the middle ages whose pillars are Honor, Chivalry and Service. Those who live up to the standards set by the organization and its members are distinguished as such through …
Sep 11
Feast of St Edrik 2018
There has been a murder in Citadel on the most glorious weekend of birthday celebrations and championships! Come, join us for a weekend of mystery and championships on the west side of El Paso, Texas at the BSA Yucca Council Camp Pioneer. We will be having competitions for Archery, Heavy, Rapier, A&S, Youth Archery, and …
Sep 06
Citadel Seeks Baronial Webminister
Due to complications in his Mundane life that were keeping him from being able to keep up with his office, m’lord Marius has decided to step down as Baronial Webminister. Marius did a fine job maintaining the Baronial Website and we are sorry to see him having to step down. We hope that once he …
Sep 04
The Barony is Seeking a Rapier Marshal
As Don Julien prepares for his overseas rotation, he has announced his stepping down as Baronial Rapier Marshal. We thank him for his good service and we wish him safe travels and a safe return home once he has completed his obligations abroad. The Citadel seeks a Baronial Rapier Marshal to take the reigns from …
Sep 04
Citadel Seeks Baronial Knight Marshal
We must announce that our Baronial Knight Marshal, Lord Charles The Bear, has stepped down from his office in preparation for his departing the Barony. We would like to take a moment to thank him for his service to the Citadel and to the Knight Marshalate. He will be greatly missed. Dominus Caledonius, Deputy Knight …
Sep 03
The Road To Estrella War: Arts & Sciences
So we kicked off the Road to Estrella War in the Arts and Sciences this past Friday night at Baronial A&S. Thank you to those who attended and discussed ideas on what they would like to create for the competition. We will be following up with more A&S nights that are specifically geared towards preparing …