We’re glad you’re here and we hope you’ve already found something that interests you about the Society for Creative Anachronism affectionately known as the “SCA.” You’re joining a worldwide organization that is centered around a system of values and chivalry that makes positive contributions to our global community daily. There is a lot to do in the SCA, so our local group here in El Paso, Texas and Hudspeth County known as the Barony of the Citadel of the Southern Pass, created this page to help you get connected and find your way into something that we know you’ll love about what we do. Whether it is the combat with fighters in armor engaged in a full contact sport, community service and volunteering, archery, brewing, leatherworking, blacksmithing, events, historical recreation or any other aspect of our organization, we have something for everyone including the whole family.
Please fill out this interest form. You will receive a welcome e-mail that will contain information on how to get involved in the SCA. Once finished with the form continue below to our Event Calendar to learn more.
There are many different activities available in the SCA. Please click on an activity that interests you to learn more about it. Many of our members participate in multiple activities while others focus on only a few. In addition to these activities, we also have opportunities for service and volunteering.
For more information on Activities across our Society, please visit http://welcome.sca.org
To get you started, we’ve included a Google Calendar that you can embed into your phone or add to your Google account to help you stay on top of what’s going on locally and across our kingdom, the Kingdom of the Outlands. After the Calendar, further down the page we have a list of activities and how you can get started.
Take a look at our upcoming activities and events!
Get more out of the Baronial Calendar by following our guide:
How To Get The Most Out of Google Calendar
For Mac OS X users, here is the iCal link:
Martial Activities
Heavy Fighting
- Armored Combat
- Combat Archery
- Siege Warfare
Light Fighting
- Fencing/Rapier
Cut and Thrust
- Live Steel Combat
Thrown Weapons
Service Related Activities
Event Hosting
Arts and Sciences
Armor Construction
Jewelry Making
- Dancing
- Drumming
- Poetry
- Singing
- Theater

With all of the activities, events, and culture behind the SCA, we thought we would provide a short check list to help you get ready for your first event and beyond. We’ll show you how to obtain loaner clothing and armor to get going quickly and also offer solutions on how to purchase or make your own to help you fully embrace your new adventure with us. Some of these steps are optional, but we highly encourage you to work your way through the checklist as it will help you fully enjoy what we have to offer!
Checklist Overview
First we’ll walk you through how to obtain your membership within the SCA. Important aspects of registering include member discounts at events, delivery of electronic Kingdom and Society Wide Newsletters at your discretion, and the ability to participate in Prize Tournaments where you can win some pretty cool stuff like new armor, clothing, jewelry and lots of other handcrafted items. Each person is also encouraged to create a persona, which is how you represent yourself in the periods of time we cover in the SCA. We all enter the Society as a member of the Nobility and no one is considered a commoner or peasant; everyone is treated with the dignity and courtesy of a noble station within our organization. Some may choose to carry themselves as a commoner, but you should not be expected to be treated as such in the eyes of the organization. The cut-off in terms of the periods we include are up to 1601 AD. Any culture and time period pre-dating 1601 AD is inclusive in what we consider to be “fair game” for personas and recreation within the SCA. One of the more intriguing aspects of our organization is the ability to rediscover portions of history through documentation to combat and overcome certain “myths” or mainstream beliefs about certain cultures or entire periods of time. If you can provide documentation about some event, method of producing something or your persona in general, you can help us grow as an organization. Many of the aspects of developing your persona will require some form of documentation to include choosing a name and a device, which is your heraldry within the Society.
Newcomer Checklist
- Register your membership within the SCA: https://members.sca.org/apps/#Join
- There are several options for membership, including the addition of family memberships which will reduce the cost overall for your whole family (A Sustaining Member can add a single family member for $10 more)
- Choose either Sustaining or Associate; Sustaining members can add additional family members; Associate memberships are individual memberships
- Contact a Herald about a name and a device
- In the SCA, members can register multiple names and devices for themselves or groups. This process begins and ends with Heralds submitting your application after obtaining documentation that proves the heraldry, name and other supporting information is historically accurate. This helps to ensure that we are remaining historically accurate and also registers the device to you, personally. No one else may use your heraldry or name unless you grant them the right to do so. It makes you a wholly unique person in our organization.
- To find our current Herald, you can post in our Facebook Group asking for someone or reach out directly to the Rook Pursuivant by visiting the Court and Officers Page. If at any point you need help, please contact the Chatelain at chatelaine@southernpass.org.
- Obtain Garb for Your Persona
- There are several ways to obtain clothing or what is commonly referred to in the Society as “garb.” You can sport a generic T-Tunic if you’re not sure about your persona yet or go all in and obtain extravagant 16th Century Courtly garb that would rival courtiers of Queen Elizabeth’s Court. Your options include:
- Loaner Garb – The Gold Key position as a deputy of the Chatelain is there to provide loaner garb for you to wear if needed. An announcement will generally be made before events that anyone looking for garb should reach out to the Gold Key with instructions on how to do so. Other members of the populace may be able to lend you some garb especially if you’re sharing the time period and culture of their persona.
- Clothier’s Guild – The Clothier’s Guild is a group within the Barony dedicated to creating and exploring ways to make garb. Attending Guild Meetings is a great way to get started on your own or to connect with people who can make you garb for a fair price or some sort of deal worked out between the two of you.
- Clothing Merchants – There are several Yard Sale, Period Specific or more general Facebook Group and Websites that cater to obtaining garb made by some of the Masters and Mistresses as well as up and coming clothiers that can help in obtaining garb quickly. It is recommended that you ask around about reputation of the seller because there are several costume outlets that may sell something cheap, but when you receive it, it may not be what was advertised or may not look very period authentic. The same caution goes for purchasing Armor and other SCA related items.
- There is a 5-foot rule in effect for garb. It should look authentic from at least 5 feet away. This is to acknowledge the master craftsmanship of the artisans of our Society, to help create immersion and to still afford you the ability to “make it work” when obtaining garb. Not everyone will be in period recreated garb, but an attempt should be made to look your best. If you have questions or want insight into the tips and tricks to help make your garb pass the test, please reach out to fellow members and get their input.
- There are several ways to obtain clothing or what is commonly referred to in the Society as “garb.” You can sport a generic T-Tunic if you’re not sure about your persona yet or go all in and obtain extravagant 16th Century Courtly garb that would rival courtiers of Queen Elizabeth’s Court. Your options include:
- Obtain Feast and Camping Gear for Feast/Camping Events
- Many of the same guidelines and suggestions that apply to obtaining garb also apply to obtaining Feast and Camping Gear. Some people go authentic all the way and have period tents and no electronics rules because they take pride in the accuracy they are portraying. On the other hand, you are perfectly fine camping in a standard pop up tent. Some groups will put historic tents up front and “mundane” tents towards the back of the site to present a historic feel when passing by their camp. Rules and requirements vary by group, so make sure you check with your local group before camping with them.
- Feast gear is helpful to have because most feast events won’t provide gear and the authenticity test helps create a historic atmosphere. Any wooden or metal plates and/or silverware typically passes the 5-foot rule with ease. Plastic or paper utensils have a hard time passing the test. Most groups also have loaner feast gear and so do long time players, so be sure to ask around if you’re at your first event and don’t have any gear yourself.
- (if required) Obtain Your Own Martial Gear That is Within the Required Safety Guidelines.
- Obtaining your own cup is one of those non-negotiable objects. While we typically have loaner gear available, protection in the from of an athletic cup is not one of those items we have on hand. So, step one is to obtain your own athletic support gear.
- Before buying armor for any of the combat activities, be sure to check with the Knight Marshal or fellow fighters in that specific format (Light, Heavy, Combat Archery, etc.) to ensure you’re purchasing the appropriate armor and gear. Often times we see someone purchase a new helmet only to inform them that it doesn’t pass the safety requirements. Our fighters can also refer you to reputable sources for armor or you can show up at our Armoring Nights and start working on your own set.
- (if required) Become Authorized in Your Form of Combat
- Each of the fighting formats have safety guidelines and your armor, weapons and knowledge must pass the safety requirements. If you are a member, your waiver has already been signed online when you registered. Ensure it is current and your waiver will be on file as evidenced by your Blue Membership Card or online account login.
- You can become authorized in each of the specific formats and weapon styles. Heavy fighters will be authorized in sword and shield, 9-foot spear, great weapons, etc. as will light fighters and combat archers. The evidence of your authorization is in the form of a Green Card. You’ll be asked to present this card before entering any tournaments and possibly as a spot check at official practices. You can obtain the Green Card via the Knight Marshal and Authorizing Marshals at a practice.
- Have Fun!
- The most important part of this checklist is to ensure you’re having fun and enjoying yourself. Any of the guidelines maintained by the SCA are designed to keep you safe and ensure the organization is enjoyable by all. The SCA strives to make what we do as accessible and safe as possible. If you are confused by anything or have questions, please reach the Chatelain at chatelaine@southernpass.org at any time. The Chatelain is tasked with helping new and veteran members are taken care of and can focus on enjoying the myriad of activities we have available to you.