Category: Herald News

Introduction to Heraldry class (11/8/24)

Hail and well met gentle populace. It is my honor as the Chief Heraldic Officer of this Barony to inform you all that Friday, November 8th from 6-8p.m. at All Saints Episcopal, I will be teaching an intro to Heraldry class. I will be discussing the process for choosing and submitting a name as well …

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Kingdom A&S, Queen’s Prize, and Baronial Investiture Court Report

Herein lies the court report for Kingdom A&S, Queen’s Prize, and Baronial Investiture in the Citadel of the Southern Pass on April 13th 2019 A.S. LIII The following awards were given by Their Excellencies Tariq and Elieth. A Baroness’ Chalice was given to Raelina Torres de Chavira of Al-Barran on 2019/04/13. A Baroness’ Chalice was …

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St. Edrik’s Court Report

Herein lies the court report for The Feast of St. Edrik in the Citadel of the Southern Pass on October, 13th, 2018, A.S. 53. The following awards were given by Their Excellencies Tariq and Elieth. Lord Tachibana Hideaki is the newest Heavy Armored Champion & Bearer of the Baron’s SwordLady Dragoslava is the newest Rapier …

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Her Royal Majesty’s Court Report for Hastilude LIII

Greetings Unto Their Royal Majesties and the Mighty Blue Iris Herald Here is a list of the awards given at Hastilude, Saturday evening August 25th. Patricia of the Citadel – AoA – Not present; Handed off to The Baron and Baroness of Citadel. Silas Ian Clayton – AoA – Citadel Seamus McGlacken – AoA – …

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Court Report for Hastilude LIII

Herein lies the court report for Their Excellencies Tariq and Elieth, Baron and Barrones of the Citadel of the Southern Pass, for their event, Hastilude hosted in the Shire of White Mountain on August 25th, A.S. 53, 2018 Gregorian. The following awards were given by Their Excellencies Tariq and Elieth. His Excellency Tariq, Domina Julia,Dominus …

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Banners for Hastilude!

This year’s theme for Citadel Hastilude is King Renee de Anjou’s Book of the Tournament and as such, medieval pomp and circumstance are paramount for the event.  What better way to add to the flavor and ambiance of the event than to fly your heraldry high in the wind on a beautiful silk standard or …

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Citadel has its new Rook Pursuivant!

We would like to congratulate and welcome m’lord Johan von Horne as our new Baronial Herald or Rook Pursuivant.  We would like to thank him for volunteering for this noble office and look forward to working with him.  He will be officially sworn in at Citadel Hastilude on August 25 but can be consulted with for …

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Deadline to Submit Letters of Intent for the Baronial Herald Position

Today, June 30, 2018, is the Deadline to Submit Letters of Intent for the Baronial Herald Position.  Letters will be received until Midnight. Baronial Herald for The Citadel of the Southern Pass is a titled position (Rook Pursuivant) in the College of Heralds, as well as a Greater Office of the Barony. The primary responsibility …

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