Tag: sca

The Demo Isn’t Over Yet

Recruiting is one of the more difficult activities for us in this age of modern technology and instant gratification, but it doesn’t have to be that way. We’ve already begun leveraging virtual interest cards and automated emailing systems to make and maintain contact with new, potential members. We’ve hosted a demo, we’ve gathered interest, but …

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The Scribe: June 13, 2018

We will be having an Arcis Calamus meeting this Thursday, June 14, at 7pm at my home on the far east side of El Paso.  We don’t have a set lesson, but instead will be doing an open calligraphy and illumination night.  I have materials for gilding and various other techniques on hand, and I …

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The Archer: June 5, 2018

ARROW: Good morning archers!  There will be no archery this weekend at the museum, BUT we will be at Soldier Con on Fort Bliss!  Please come out and support your Barony!  We will be in front of the Grand Theater, under a blue sunshade.  We will have the hospitality tent for volunteers and fighting all …

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Recruiting for Citadel — Some Resources for You

          reetings to one and all. People are the lifeblood of our organization. Without people, we cease to have any meaning or importance, so it stands to reason that more people means more fun, but how do we get more people? Recruiting! Everyone is a recruiter, whether you’re actively or passively …

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What is Largesse?

Throughout history, the generosity of the Landed Nobility has been termed “largesse”.  In the SCA, the giving of largesse by the Crown and Coronets allows for them to show that their wealth and happiness is a direct result of the wealth and happiness of the populace.  Not only is gift-giving expected of Royalty, it is …

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What is the Recruitment & Retention Council?

The Barony has shown remarkable recovery over the past 4 ½ years since the Investiture of Baron Christopher and Baroness Jamilla.  During their tenure the Barony went from 38 (paid) members to 88 at their stepping down (Their tenure lasted 21 months).  The Barony is currently at 92 (paid) members, having peaked at 106 between …

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How to prepare for A&S Competition

Illumination Consider what type of competition it is and post source. You probably have many inquiries so come and join us on the 12 of June, 2017 at 3309 Nairn St , El Paso, Tx 79925. Lady Rita Perle von der Wetterau

Empowering Officers and the Populace to Post Website Articles

Good Evening fair members of the populace! One of the goals of the Officer of the Chronicler is to help record and spread the good word of the Barony most often times taking the form of the Newsletter.  I want to take that a step further and empower you all to share information that pertains …

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