Citadel Coronet

Author's posts

DEMO ALERT: Imperial Brigade Military Ball

The 11th Air Defense Artillery Brigade has requested support from Citadel for their Military Ball on the 21st of September. Citadel has of course answered the call and will be providing support in several ways from a Fighter and A&S Demo to direct participation in their Military Ball. The Baron and Baroness will be treated …

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Hey Gamers, Citadel Has a Discord Server

If you play video games you’ve probably heard of all the voice communication platforms from Ventrilo to Teamspeak, Mumble and even Discord. Lots of communities use it, not just gaming communities and Citadel has a server that we use to share the latest news, calendar events and other reminders as well. Looking for people to …

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The Demo Isn’t Over Yet

Recruiting is one of the more difficult activities for us in this age of modern technology and instant gratification, but it doesn’t have to be that way. We’ve already begun leveraging virtual interest cards and automated emailing systems to make and maintain contact with new, potential members. We’ve hosted a demo, we’ve gathered interest, but …

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Demo Demo — Let’s Talk About Doing Demos – 2 June 18 @ 6 PM

We’re hosting a discussion about Demos at Signore Bernardo’s estate on Saturday, June 2nd at 6 PM. Why? Well, because we’re working on getting better at bringing more future friends into the Barony centering around building personal relationships with potential recruits. We’ll be discussing a few To Do’s and Not To Do’s so everyone can …

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You Have Things You Need the World to Know About

Have you ever wanted your own SCA blog? Do you have something you want to write about but don’t know where to publish it? Are you worried you won’t get enough exposure or don’t even know where to begin? We’re Here to Help You Have no fear, Citadel is here! We’re looking for folks to …

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Recruiting for Citadel — Some Resources for You

          reetings to one and all. People are the lifeblood of our organization. Without people, we cease to have any meaning or importance, so it stands to reason that more people means more fun, but how do we get more people? Recruiting! Everyone is a recruiter, whether you’re actively or passively …

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One More Way to Get Citadel’s Calendar into Your Phone

The flood of social media is unfortunately here to stay and as people spread to the edges of the earth with every new platform that pops up, we figured we’d take a step in a direction that saves you from the madness and leverages a tool we’re already using.  Now our Google Calendar automatically syncs …

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Empowering Officers and the Populace to Post Website Articles

Good Evening fair members of the populace! One of the goals of the Officer of the Chronicler is to help record and spread the good word of the Barony most often times taking the form of the Newsletter.  I want to take that a step further and empower you all to share information that pertains …

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