Category: Martial News

January 9th Rapier skills and drills practice cancellation

Tonight’s “Rapier skills and drills” at the Memorial Park library has been pushed back a week, we apologize for the inconvenience.

A request for marshals

HAIL CITADEL! Citadel needs more Marshals! I am seeking feedback and interest from the Barony on folks who would be willing and able to obtain Marshal authorization. Given enough participants, I’m looking at doing this through classroom/in-person training. One does not need to be a fighter in order to assist in marshaling, but our fighters …

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Help Wanted: Rapier and Social Media

Rapier Marshal Wanted Short Job Description for Rapier Marshal Greetings to the Populace of the Citadel of the Southern Pass. We are looking for a Rapier Marshal to help run the light fighting in the Barony. The Marshal does not have to be of a particular skill level or even a rapier fighter; the main …

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Officer Positions open in the Citadel of the Southern Pass

Greetings members of the populous.  After years of service the following officers are stepping down at Kingdom A&S in April and we need letters of intent to fill these positions. Exchequer Webminister Rapier marshal. If you are interested in serving the barony in any of these positions, please send letters of intent to the seneschal, …

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Citadel Appoints New Baronial Knight Marshal

Greetings Mighty Citadel! Pray heed!  Citadel has a new Baronial Knight Marshal!  Dominus Servius Cassius Caledonius Ahenobarbus (mka Scott Honaker) submitted a letter of intent and was deemed acceptable by both Their Excellencies and the Kingdom Earl Marshal, Sir Lothar vom Bergenwald.  We look forward to working closely with Dominus Caledonius as we strive to …

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The Barony is Seeking a Rapier Marshal

As Don Julien prepares for his overseas rotation, he has announced his stepping down as Baronial Rapier Marshal.  We thank him for his good service and we wish him safe travels and a safe return home once he has completed his obligations abroad. The Citadel seeks a Baronial Rapier Marshal to take the reigns from …

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Citadel Seeks Baronial Knight Marshal

We must announce that our Baronial Knight Marshal, Lord Charles The Bear, has stepped down from his office in preparation for his departing the Barony.  We would like to take a moment to thank him for his service to the Citadel and to the Knight Marshalate.  He will be greatly missed. Dominus Caledonius, Deputy Knight …

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News from the Baronial Rapier Marshal

Hi everyone, I wanted to share an exciting new event in the Barony of the Citadel of the Southern Pass! As of this week we have an official Historical Combat Arts and Sciences Study Group! We are currently studying Bolognese Swordsmanship from the 1500s and we meet on the south and east lawns of the …

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Becoming a Rapier Field Marshal

There are many ways one can enjoy fighting, and in my mind the most important role is that of field marshal. They are the ones ensuring combatants are being as safe as possible as well as those around the combatants. Did you know you do not have to be an authorized fighter to be a …

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Fencing tonight (August 1st)! 6:30pm at Military Gamer Supply

Don Julien will be covering counter-disengages (contracavazione) starting from the inside engagement. “THE INSIDE COUNTERDISENGAGE OF THE SWORD In this figure another way of parrying and wounding by way of counterdisengage is represented and shown to you, which one does in this way: having covered the sword of your enemy so that if he wants …

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