Rapier Marshal Wanted
Short Job Description for Rapier Marshal
Greetings to the Populace of the Citadel of the Southern Pass. We are looking for a Rapier Marshal to help run the light fighting in the Barony. The Marshal does not have to be of a particular skill level or even a rapier fighter; the main job of the Marshal is to ensure the program is being run safely, effectively, and within the confines of the guidance from Society and the Kingdom.
You are helping to run the Baronial Rapier program, but also are appointed by and report to the Kingdom Rapier Marshal.
How to Apply for Rapier Marshal
If you are interested in helping out as Rapier Marshal, please send a Letter of Intent that includes your Legal Name, SCA Name, SCA Member Number, and SCA Membership Expiration Date in the opening remarks. Following that information, please explain any SCA experience and mundane life experience that would help us make a decision regarding your application for the position.
Send that information in an email to coronet@southernpass.org, seneschal@southernpass.org, and rapiermarshal@outlands.org.

Social Media Officer Wanted
Short Job Description for Social Media Officer
For the Social Media Officer position the focus is on ensuring the presence of the Barony on social media is handled within the requirements of the Society and the Kingdom at the most basic level. The SMO has the ability to generate content and open up avenues to enhance the presence and reach of the Barony in tandem with the Webminister, Chronicler, and other Officers.
In the same way that the Rapier Marshal reports to and is appointed by their Kingdom counterpart, the same is true for the SMO. With social media being such an important part of our web presence, there are a lot of exciting opportunities to learn about some of the latest technologies and methods that can translate to personal and workplace benefits.
Special Incentives for Social Media Officer
Similar to the way that I offered to teach the latest techniques, methods, and technologies to the Webminister candidates, I am also offering to teach how social media marketing and campaigns can be used to enhance your resume for future job applications. Holding the position itself can be included on a resume for your job hunt or to enhance what you can offer your current employer for potential promotions and opportunities.
How to Apply for Social Media Officer
If you are interested in helping out as the SMO, please send a Letter of Intent that includes your Legal Name, SCA Name, SCA Member Number, and SCA Membership Expiration Date in the opening remarks. Following that information, please explain any SCA experience and mundane life experience that would help us make a decision regarding your application for the position.
Send that information in an email to coronet@southernpass.org, seneschal@southernpass.org, and socialmedia@outlands.org.