Category: Newsletter
Posts checked with this category will get featured in the upcoming issue of the Baronial Newsletter.
Greetings to one and all, The Baronial Calendar has been updated to include using our Google for Nonprofits Google Meet services. After revisiting the service and noting some of the wonderful updates Google has made to Meet we have decided to implement it as our system of record for virtual business meetings. This URL will …
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Greetings to one and all in the Barony of the Citadel of the Southern Pass, I hope all is well for you in these trying times knowing that many of us are facing challenges that are hindering our abilities to know happiness and joy as we once did. My prayers to you for mental health …
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Barony of the Citadel of the Southern pass Twelfth Night will be an extravagant affair to welcome the new year! This event will honor Citadel’s Baron Bernardo di Medici with tournaments, feast, and a grand masquerade ball. The tournaments will include all Martial styles (including archery), and competitions for Best Ball garb, Best Mask, and …
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Baronial Champions This year we’re doing things a little bit differently as we host our Champions event at Siege of the City as part of an effort to work more closely with our brothers and sisters around our neck of the woods. Nahrun has been gracious enough to allow us to hold these events there …
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Hosted by Citadel of the Southern Pass Saturday, November 09, 2019 – Sunday, November 10, 2019 Saturday OPENS: 09:00 AM CLOSES: 10:00 PM Sunday OPENS: 09:00 AM CLOSES 3:00 PM Saturday – Bethel Family Ministries 6301 Alabama St, El Paso, TX 79904 Sunday – Memorial Park, 1701 N Copia St, El Paso, TX 79930 Event …
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The Financial Committee of the Citadel has developed a new Financial Policy thanks to the efforts of our new Exchequer and the advice of our Kingdom Exchequer. These wonderful ladies have produced new guidance that will update how the financial policies in the Barony function. Please take a moment to browse the Policy as it …
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Greetings Citadel! Due to various life circumstances, the current Seneschal and Archery Marshal have expressed the need to resign from their offices. Out of respect for the privacy of the individuals involved, specific details regarding their respective situations will not be shared. The Barony will be accepting Letters of Intent for both positions effective immediately …
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How to guide for the new officer reporting system The new reporting system is up and ready for use by Officers in the Barony. This is a short guide on how to use the form with basic instructions to go from not being logged in to reaching your specific report. First, Log in to your …
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Greetings Citizens of Citadel. I Albrecht am sending out the call for assistance for the Barony! Having talked to His Excellency Bernardo, we have decided to host between our two Fortified Keeps, 2 evenings of Preparation work. Friday, July 5th will be at HE’s Manor, and Saturday the 6th of July will be at mine. …
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Greetings! We had a great Populace Meeting today, Saturday, following our Officers Meeting on Thursday. I think this format works wonderfully and helps us get better at communicating as a Barony. One of the big points we’re trying to drive at is communication and hosting Populace Meeting quickly after the Officers Meeting is a great …
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