Baronial Business Meetings

Greetings to one and all,

The Baronial Calendar has been updated to include using our Google for Nonprofits Google Meet services. After revisiting the service and noting some of the wonderful updates Google has made to Meet we have decided to implement it as our system of record for virtual business meetings. This URL will lead you to the meeting room for our business meetings. It looks like it will stay pretty consistent, so bookmark it, memorize, tattoo it on your arm or refer to our Baronial Calendar for the link.

Not only can you find that link here, but we’ll begin plastering it all over our schedules and posts for you to reference.

We will meet on the 3rd Thursday of every month at 7 PM MST using Google Meet. We do this because the following Saturday is Populace. Populace always follows the Business Meetings so no need to worry about 3rd or 4th or whatever. It will always be the Saturday following the Business Meeting.

Stand by for more information regarding plans for Populace meetings. We’re reworking the entire communications flow along with the Kingdom assets to be in line with Corpora and reach the max amount of populace.

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