Category: Newsletter

Posts checked with this category will get featured in the upcoming issue of the Baronial Newsletter.

University of Citadel

SCA 101 Course Series Staring on June 17th, 2018 at Military Gamer Supply 1121 Larry Mahan Suite A, El Paso, TX, 79925, at 6:00 pm Sir Berold the Baronial Historian will be teaching a series of classes on how to SCA wether you’re a New Commer or a Veteran. Classes will be every Monday at …

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Tablet (card) Weaving Class

Reading a Pattern 7:00 PM 18 June (Tuesday) at the Baronial Estate 10512 Saigon Dr, El Paso, TX Our teacher Edmund will be doing his last class on tablet Weaving please come and join us as he teaches a very awesome skill to put under your belt. We will look into how tablet weaving patterns are …

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Tablet Weaving Class

Section 4: How to Read Pattern Graphs Friday May 31, 2019 will be the second part to the Tablet Weaving class series. Please join us at 3309 Nairn St. El Paso, TX 79925-4125 at 7pm. We will start with section 4 and talk about how to read pattern graphs. We will also introduce continuous warping. …

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Help Wanted: Rapier and Social Media

Rapier Marshal Wanted Short Job Description for Rapier Marshal Greetings to the Populace of the Citadel of the Southern Pass. We are looking for a Rapier Marshal to help run the light fighting in the Barony. The Marshal does not have to be of a particular skill level or even a rapier fighter; the main …

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What You Need to Know – Youth Ministry

It Takes a Village … or a Barony Greetings, Citadel! “The Youth are our Future.” I hear that a lot around the Barony, the Kingdom, and the Society at large, so to me that means that it’s important, not only to me, but to a lot of you. In order to ensure our Youth are …

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How to Find the Kingdom Newsletter

The Outlandish Herald The Kingdom’s Newsletter is something that serves as a central hub of all the official information about events, officers, and many other useful things. Ever had a question on when and where an event was going to be? Most of us just rush over to Facebook to look, but the official record …

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A&S Class: Tablet Weaving

Citadel’s Arts and Sciences (A&S) Classes Series Monday May 13th, May 31st and to be aunnounced June 10th, 2019 will be a class taught by THL Edmund will be teaching table weaving. This class will be held at Lady Rita’s house, 3309 Nairn St, El Paso TX 79925-4125, from 7pm to 9pm. There is a …

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Baronial Letter for May 2019

Unto the Populace of the Citadel of the Southern Pass, Greetings. I hope this missive finds you well and in good health for this month of May in the common reckoning of years known as 2019. As I enter into the first month of my tenure as your Baron I am grateful to everyone for …

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Game of Creative Anachronisms

All the Glory, None of the Spilled Guts Now that the Long Night is over from Game of Thrones and spoilers abound; armchair generals are spilling out onto the internet with all of their After Action Reports and “how terrible the battle plan was” while I’m just sitting over here polishing my helmet because I …

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Citadel’s Social Media Presence… and so can you!

Our Barony is one of the more forward looking branches in the SCA thanks to our amazing populace and hustle when it comes to working to stay in compliance with Society Corpora and policies while thinking outside the box. In order to keep pushing those boundaries we need your help. Some of our platforms need …

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