Greetings Mighty Citadel! Pray heed! Citadel has a new Baronial Knight Marshal! Dominus Servius Cassius Caledonius Ahenobarbus (mka Scott Honaker) submitted a letter of intent and was deemed acceptable by both Their Excellencies and the Kingdom Earl Marshal, Sir Lothar vom Bergenwald. We look forward to working closely with Dominus Caledonius as we strive to …
Tag: Armored COmbat
Sep 11
Feast of St Edrik 2018
There has been a murder in Citadel on the most glorious weekend of birthday celebrations and championships! Come, join us for a weekend of mystery and championships on the west side of El Paso, Texas at the BSA Yucca Council Camp Pioneer. We will be having competitions for Archery, Heavy, Rapier, A&S, Youth Archery, and …
Sep 04
Citadel Seeks Baronial Knight Marshal
We must announce that our Baronial Knight Marshal, Lord Charles The Bear, has stepped down from his office in preparation for his departing the Barony. We would like to take a moment to thank him for his service to the Citadel and to the Knight Marshalate. He will be greatly missed. Dominus Caledonius, Deputy Knight …
Aug 11
Hastilude is in Two Weeks!
Rapier Fighters! Make sure that you are prepared for the Tavern Brawl Tournament! Allowed weapons are only items that would normally be found in a tavern (no swords but daggers and pistols are allowed). Be creative and make some weird weapons (barstools, bottles, food items – all rapier-safe of course). Be creative! Have fun! Be …