May Signoria

Good evening Citadel!

We started the meeting at 7:06pm with populace remarks- Monica and Eloy are wanting to start merchanting and will need guidance.

The Baron would like the future to be a time of growth and vision. This is a 5-10 year plan, not an immediate plan. There are things about his plan that will take some time to come to fruition. The Citadel will start up Burroughs, that is little suburbs on Fort Bliss, UTEP, east side and west side of El Paso. These Burroughs will allow for more targeted recruiting and activities. Each area has its own culture and we need to begin recognizing and celebrating those cultures.

The officers’ reports should be posted to the website no later than the 10th so that all the officers ad populace have a chance to check out the reports before the meetings. We are no longer reading out the reports at the meetings. Baron Bernardo will be posting a YouTube video on how to post to the website and he is requesting anyone who needs an account to contact him or the Webminister to get set up.

The youth program will be needing anyone interested in helping to contact Jessa ( to get that process started. All adults working with children need a background check- this is free to you- and to be in the presence of another adult not in the same family at all times.

Heavy fighters had about 6 fighters and 1 new fighter in April. Rapier averages 5-7 weekly, archery averages 40- 12 of which are SCA weekly. No injuries to report for any of the marshalled activities.

Overall, the chats on the Citadel discussion FB group are a hit. There is plenty of chatter in them all and ideas are flowing. A&S is in need of more people and more reporting back to the A&S Minister monthly.

The herald reports that the choir badge and award for youth activities is pending. The populace is asking for a database/spreadsheet of the submissions so they can see the progress.

The exchequer is pending 1st quarter report and change over to the incoming exchequer.

Chatalaine office is pending, there is interest in the office with Monica.

The webminister, Cath, is still looking for updated pics for the website.

We are looking for event stewards for all the upcoming events, please see specific post regarding this from Baron Bernardo. We are going to run a joint event for St Edriks with Nahrun- the Trials of Edrik October 19-21. Hastilude, we are looking for either a solo steward or to cohost with Mons at Badlands. Coronation is coming up in November, please submit proposal letters ASAP.

May populace had a total of 43 attendees, some members of the general public were spotted around the edges of the event and participated in the archery after court.

Scribal demos are in the works at Literarity and the Art Center on Yandell It would be a benefit to the store and to the SCA to host at these locations.

Clann Wars in Nahrun May 17, followed by Outlandish the weekend after. Battlemoor and the Guard Azure Tournament July 9-14 are upcoming.

Attendees: Monica, Eloy, Carlos, Brandon, George, Elie, Rita, victor, Bruce, Thomas, Scott, Jessa, Claudia, Constance, Cath, Jack

Close of business: 8:30pm