We must announce that our Baronial Knight Marshal, Lord Charles The Bear, has stepped down from his office in preparation for his departing the Barony. We would like to take a moment to thank him for his service to the Citadel and to the Knight Marshalate. He will be greatly missed.
Dominus Caledonius, Deputy Knight Marshal, has agreed to serve as interrim until such time that a new Knight Marshal can be appointed. Please contact him if you have any questions or concerns regarding marshal activities within the Barony.
Due to Lord Charles’ departure, the Barony is currently looking to fill the position of Knight Marshal. The Knight Marshal is the officer in charge all Baronial combat activities, insuring the safe practice at events and practices within the Barony. The Knight Marshal reports directly to the Kingdom Earl Marshal on a monthly basis regarding the level and types of marshal activities being practiced. The Baronial rapier and archery marshals also report to him or her information regarding the activities in their respective disciplines.
The warrant of the Knight Marshal is two years.
If you are interested, please submit your letter of intent to Their Excellencies (coronet@southernpass.org), Baronial Seneschal (seneschal@southernpass.org), and the Kingdom Earl Marshal(outlands.earlmarshal@gmail.com) by October 4th, 2018.
Please feel free to reach out to any of us if you have any questions regarding the office.