Category: Newsletter
Posts checked with this category will get featured in the upcoming issue of the Baronial Newsletter.
ARROW: Clan Wars was this past weekend, June 22-23, in the mountains of Ruidoso. Aside from all the fighting and A&S activities, the archery range hosted a roving shoot with 8 stations including a long distance shoot, open target archery, and the famous night shoot. 22 archers came through the range, including a few new …
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Citadel is being asked to man security for Battlemoor, specifically, Thursday from 3pm to midnight. They are looking for 3 to 4 pairs of people to fill 2 to 4 hour shifts. “The more volunteers the shorter the shifts”. PLease contact Her Excellency Elieth at if you are interested.
If you play video games you’ve probably heard of all the voice communication platforms from Ventrilo to Teamspeak, Mumble and even Discord. Lots of communities use it, not just gaming communities and Citadel has a server that we use to share the latest news, calendar events and other reminders as well. Looking for people to …
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Sayyid Tariq ibn Yusuf ibn Askari al Ghassani Joining the Society for Creative Anachronism is an exciting prospect for many people. Whether they are a history buff, a cosplayer, a medieval combat enthusiast or even a Fantasy/Sci-Fi fan, being in the SCA is a chance to take a step away from their everyday mundane life …
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ARROW: The month of May saw 163 archers at weekly practices, hot weather and winds in the Citadel. We have a strong archery officer corp, with myself, Jim Volker, Scott Honaker, Michael Duckworth, Ashley Rench, Raul Escalante, and Aimee Fivet Mack working hard to improve the archery program. We have new targets that are lighter and easier …
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