Category: Newsletter

Posts checked with this category will get featured in the upcoming issue of the Baronial Newsletter.

Baronial Letter for May 2023

Arts and Science Project nights started this month, we are very exited to start up times for us to gather as a Barony and work on projects or classes. We will meet on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month.  All Saints Episcopal Church, located at 3500 McRae Blvd, El Paso, TX 79925, has graciously …

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Arts and Sciences project day

Hello everyone! So it is finally time for Arts and Sciences. We have recently acquired a spot for Arts and Sciences day which will be every 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month. The address will be 3500 McRae Blvd, El Paso, TX 79925 at All Saints Episcopal Church from 6 P.M to 8 P.M. …

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April Populace Day and Business meeting notes

The calendar showed the monthly business meeting happening after populace, which normally does not happen. The 4th Sunday happens before the 4th Thursday this month. So we will be moving Baronial day and Populace from April 23rd to April 30th. The April officer and business meeting will still be on the 27th. The Baronial Calendar …

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Baronial Letter for April 2023

Ramadan Mubarak! Chag Pesach Sameach! Happy Easter! Happy Holidays!  This weekend commemorates many celebrations (Ramadan, Passover, and Easter), and we all celebrate the threads that unite us as members of the Citadel of the Southern Pass. We wish you all a happy and peaceful holiday season! We are also joyful for the fun we had …

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March Officer’s meeting

This Thursday is our officer’s meeting. All members of the populace are invited to join. Planning for events, demos and other projects are on the agenda. Thursday, March 23 · 7:00 – 9:00pm Google Meet joining info Video call link: Or dial: ‪(US) +1 302-503-0196‬ PIN: ‪521 737 528‬# More phone numbers:

Baronial Letter for March 2023

Glorious Citadel, please know that we are unable to put into the appropriate words our gratitude and the joy felt by all in attendance at Investiture.  So many of our guests came up to praise our populace and some special guests for their hard work in creating an event that was so very memorable.  We would like …

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Investiture XIV

The Barony of the Citadel of the Southern Pass invites all to come together to celebrate His Excellency Bernardo dei Medici’s final court and the Investiture of Maese Carlos Nieto de Andrade and Mistress Joella of Blue Lion’s Keep as the 14th Barón and Baroness of the Citadel of the Southern Pass. Date: March 4th …

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Coronet Candidate Q&A – 19 Nov 22

Greet the day Citadellians. His Excellency Bernardo has asked me, Sir Berold, to moderate the Question & Answer event for those individuals who wish to be the next Coronet of our beloved Barony. The candidates will be sat in front of the populace with 2 couples on each side of the moderator. There will be …

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Baronial Letter for November 2022

Greetings, I hope this letter finds you and yours doing well in these times. Word may or may not have reached you regarding my request to retire from the position of Baron of Citadel. It has been a very rewarding and sometimes challenging experience during these nearly four years. When I stepped up, it was …

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April 2022

We had a wonderful demo at Bel Air High School’s Big Red Comic Con. Thank you to Lord Torbjen and his wife Diana, and their sons Clark and Bruce, Lord Cao Sheng, Lady Ásdís Alfriðardottir, and Joaquin for coming out and making this our first demo in…years.. be awesome. We had a large TV screen …

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