Baronial Letter for May 2023

Arts and Science Project nights started this month, we are very exited to start up times for us to gather as a Barony and work on projects or classes. We will meet on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month.  All Saints Episcopal Church, located at 3500 McRae Blvd, El Paso, TX 79925, has graciously opened their fellowship hall to us from 6 P.M to 8 P.M.

Grand Outlanish is next weekend, Their Excellencies Carlos and Joella will be attending. There will still be Baronial Day at the park but no Populace gathering.

The Southern Outlands Full Moon Halfa is June 3rd, Bring water, food, shade, drums, more water, friendship, and fighting gear. We will do our best to have tournaments, set up starts at 10 we hope to start dancing and drumming in the afternoon.

The Baronial Day on June 4th has been cancelled by the Knight Marshal so we can help support the Shire of Nahrun Kabirun’s demo at the Las Cruces Farmers market (more information to follow).

In preparation for Team Citadel traveling to Battlemoor we are looking for a food plan coordinator, some one to organize if there is interest in a shared group meal cooking and cleaning plan.

Thank you again to all who came out today!

Tui humiles servi,

Carlos and Joella, Baron and Baroness of the Citadel of the Southern Pass.

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