Baronial Letter for July 2023


The streak of 100+ degree heat finally broke, and we are thankful for it. This month has been a challenge to stay cool in the heat but we as group have done great. Arts and Science nights have been blockbusters, this months project was wool hats with much success. We encourage all of the populace to bring projects you are working on or ideas for future group projects to Arts and Science nights, first and third Thursdays of the month. Baronial Days have been successes also with great turn out and socializing. Sadly Wednesday evening practices have been put on hold per the Knight Marshal due to heat concerns. Her Excellency Joella traveled to the northern Outlands for Coronation this month, and survived the chaotic travel. In August we have a number of local and regional events including Clan Wars, Sworded Affair, and the nuptials of members of the populace. We look forward to seeing as many of you all there, at Baronial Days, and at Arts and Science Days!

Tui humiles servi,

Carlos and Joella, Baron and Baroness of the Citadel of the Southern Pass.

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