Baronial Letter for August 2023


This month was packed full of joy! We attended Clan Wars, and gave out many back scrolls. The weather was absolutely lovely and much fun was had. Our Barony celebrated the nuptials of Lady Kath and m’Lord Arcadio, who proposed to Lady Kath at our Investiture, and there was a mini demo at the wedding reception. A&S project nights have been very successful, we have had a growth of cut-and-thrust fighting in the Barony, and we look forward to cooler days so hopefully mid week practice can re-start.

The big news of August is that the Barony had the winning bid for Crown Tournament in October, which will co-inside with our Barony’s 40th anniversary! The event page is located at and will be constantly be updated. We look forward to seeing all our old and new friends there!

Tui humiles servi,

Carlos and Joella, Baron and Baroness of the Citadel of the Southern Pass.

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