Citadel Coronet

Author's posts

Baronial Letter for March 2023

Glorious Citadel, please know that we are unable to put into the appropriate words our gratitude and the joy felt by all in attendance at Investiture.  So many of our guests came up to praise our populace and some special guests for their hard work in creating an event that was so very memorable.  We would like …

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Coronet Candidate Q&A – 19 Nov 22

Greet the day Citadellians. His Excellency Bernardo has asked me, Sir Berold, to moderate the Question & Answer event for those individuals who wish to be the next Coronet of our beloved Barony. The candidates will be sat in front of the populace with 2 couples on each side of the moderator. There will be …

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Baronial Letter for November 2022

Greetings, I hope this letter finds you and yours doing well in these times. Word may or may not have reached you regarding my request to retire from the position of Baron of Citadel. It has been a very rewarding and sometimes challenging experience during these nearly four years. When I stepped up, it was …

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September Officers Meeting 16 Sept 2021

Officers Meeting TONIGHT, 16 September at 7PM. All are invited to attend and participate. Lots of GREAT and EXCITING news for the Barony.– Exploring a new indoor fighter practice location– New opportunity to build a KEEP in Citadel– Discussion on opening up Archery Practice [Business Meeting] SignoriaThursday, September 16 · 7:00 – 9:00pmGoogle Meet joining …

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Baronial Letter for March 2021

Greetings to one and all, I hope this missive finds you well in this waning time of pandemic. As much as we wish this all to end quickly, we must still be safe and act in the best interests of all among us. Our dream is a shared one meant to be enjoyed by a …

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Baronial Letter for January 2021

Greetings once again, dear reader, We have begun Officer Meetings once more after a bit of hiatus while many of our officers attended to mundane matters. We covered quite a bit of territory in discussing the future of the Barony and I’m very pleased to share with you the game plan we’ve developed as a …

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Baronial Letter for December

Greetings to the mighty Populace of Citadel, As we move forward into the new year we face new challenges and many see the change in annum as an opportunity to make a difference. I appeal to your sense of optimism and hope for the future as we navigate this adventure we call life. The SCA …

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Baronial Business Meetings

Greetings to one and all, The Baronial Calendar has been updated to include using our Google for Nonprofits Google Meet services. After revisiting the service and noting some of the wonderful updates Google has made to Meet we have decided to implement it as our system of record for virtual business meetings. This URL will …

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Baronial Letter for November 2020

Greetings to one and all in the Barony of the Citadel of the Southern Pass, I hope all is well for you in these trying times knowing that many of us are facing challenges that are hindering our abilities to know happiness and joy as we once did. My prayers to you for mental health …

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Baronial Letter for March 2020

Citadel! My heart is full thanks to all of your great works and presence this past month. Estrella War was a wonderful time and we fielded six heavy fighters alongside our allies in Nahrun and White Mountain bringing a strong presence to the war effort. Every task we were given was met with fierce effort …

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