Have you ever wanted your own SCA blog? Do you have something you want to write about but don’t know where to publish it? Are you worried you won’t get enough exposure or don’t even know where to begin?
We’re Here to Help You
Have no fear, Citadel is here! We’re looking for folks to contribute content over any platform from articles to videos to simply image galleries or audio recordings. If you generate content, we can push it throughout the known world. Already have a blog, we got you! We can make sure it gets seen by Kingdom and Society Social Media Coordinators for them to consider pushing it out to an even wider audience. You don’t have to be an officer, you don’t need to be anything other than a member of our fair populace.
Need ideas on what to contribute about? How about something that you had to research or look up yourself and thought, “oh, man, if only someone had told me about that.” That’s the great thing about the SCA, once you learn how to do something, it doesn’t just stop there; it needs to keep going, it needs to be shared with the world. The Society keeps going because people learn and then they pass those lessons on to others. The most wonderful aspect of our Dream is that there is always someone willing to teach and to share. It is how we keep history and our own developed traditions alive.
So How the Heck Do I Get Started?
Getting started is easy. All you need to do is put together a post, video, photo gallery or a simple description of what you want to do. After you have that, there are members all over the Barony, Kingdom or Society that can help you take the next step. If you don’t have a mentor or don’t even know how to take that first step you can email the Chatelaine or the Chronicler at chatelaine@southernpass.org or chronicler@southernpass.org respectively. Either officers can help you figure out how to get your content together and then put online for the masses to benefit from it.
How Exactly Will This Help Me?
Not only will it give you added exposure, but it can also help you develop a portfolio for mundane projects, job applications or any myriad of other uses. Our Officers will help figure out what works best for you and the Barony to get your content out there while helping to raise awareness about what we do in the SCA. We can also connect you with other officers to include our Knight Marshal, Captain of the Archers, Arts and Sciences Minister or any other office that can be of assistance. This will also help us have something material to show to any of the Peers (Knights, Pelicans, Laurels, Masters of Defense) who are looking to mentor members who want to expand their skill sets and their service to the Kingdom and beyond.
This can be almost anything from videos about combat to SCA life hacks, research projects, thoughts on chivalry, virtues and courtesy. Anything goes (well, within reason) and that’s the wonderful thing about sharing your own content. You can make it yours and help out the Barony at the same time without taking on an Officer role or committing to anything if you want to make it spontaneous.
We can continue to reuse your content gaining you additional exposure over time in Newsletters, Social Media Posts and by passing it along to other outlets (with your permission of course) to expand that reach even further.
So Who Do I Contact?
Any Officer should be able to assist you in getting your article posted if it is related to their office. If you want to go straight to the source you can reach out to the Chatelaine or the Chronicler and they will get your content to the masses.