Greetings once again, dear reader, We have begun Officer Meetings once more after a bit of hiatus while many of our officers attended to mundane matters. We covered quite a bit of territory in discussing the future of the Barony and I’m very pleased to share with you the game plan we’ve developed as a …
Tag: citadel
Oct 02
Captain of Archery
May 22
May Signoria
Good evening Citadel! We started the meeting at 7:06pm with populace remarks- Monica and Eloy are wanting to start merchanting and will need guidance. The Baron would like the future to be a time of growth and vision. This is a 5-10 year plan, not an immediate plan. There are things about his plan that …
May 03
The Archer: May 4, 2019
Good afternoon archers! tomorrow is looking like a nice day for archery! We should be in the upper 80s with mild winds. There is some thunderstorms for the late afternoon, but we should be done and packed up before it comes through. May 11, is Populace Day. We will be setting up the range at …
May 03
April 2019 Archery Report
Hello Citadel! Here is the report for April 2019 No injuries reported during this month Captain Emeritus: Jim Volker Archery Marshals: Raul Escalante, Scott Honaker, Aimee Fivet Mack Marshalls in Training: Mayala Gabriela, Merranda Papadopoulos Archer Count Total: 90 SCA: 20 Mundane Adults: 45 Mundane Children: 25 Kudos Jim for his support at the Kingdom …
Apr 26
The Archer: April 27, 2019
Good evening Archers! I apologize for the late announcements, last night was the officers’ meeting and a very late work night for this lady. Weather is looking warm and pleasant. We should top out around 92 degrees and have average 5 mph winds. We will have a sunshade, sunscreen and water on hand- please dress …
Apr 10
Words from our Baron and Baroness, Tariq and Elieth
Onto the Mighty Barony of the Citadel of the Southern Pass do we, Tariq and Elieth, Shayk and Shayka of these great lands send greetings! We write today as we see the end of our days fast approaching. We have joyfully served Crown, Kingdom, and Barony over these last four years but alas, the time …
Apr 04
The Archer: april 6
Good morning archers! Looking like mid 70s, sunny with light winds for tomorrow. Come on out and get some shooting in! -Jessa
Apr 04
The Archer: April 5, 2019
Good morning archers! Looking like mid 70s, sunny with light winds for tomorrow. Come on out and get some shooting in! -Jessa