Today, June 30, 2018, is the Deadline to Submit Letters of Intent for the Baronial Herald Position. Letters will be received until Midnight. Baronial Herald for The Citadel of the Southern Pass is a titled position (Rook Pursuivant) in the College of Heralds, as well as a Greater Office of the Barony. The primary responsibility …
Category: Coronet News
Jun 21
Going to Battlemoor? Why not volunteer for a security shift!
- By Citadel Chronicler in Archive, Coronet News, Featured in Slider, Homepage, Newsletter, Officer News, Resources
Citadel is being asked to man security for Battlemoor, specifically, Thursday from 3pm to midnight. They are looking for 3 to 4 pairs of people to fill 2 to 4 hour shifts. “The more volunteers the shorter the shifts”. PLease contact Her Excellency Elieth at if you are interested.
Jun 24
What is Largesse?
Throughout history, the generosity of the Landed Nobility has been termed “largesse”. In the SCA, the giving of largesse by the Crown and Coronets allows for them to show that their wealth and happiness is a direct result of the wealth and happiness of the populace. Not only is gift-giving expected of Royalty, it is …
Jun 16
What is the Recruitment & Retention Council?
The Barony has shown remarkable recovery over the past 4 ½ years since the Investiture of Baron Christopher and Baroness Jamilla. During their tenure the Barony went from 38 (paid) members to 88 at their stepping down (Their tenure lasted 21 months). The Barony is currently at 92 (paid) members, having peaked at 106 between …