Baronial Letter for September 2023


This month was packed full of joy! We attended Cavern City Renaissance Faire late in the month, a very fun event! We made new friends and recruited people from El Paso, which was very exciting. A&S project nights have been moved to the 1st and 3rd Fridays of the month, Populace Day has been moved to Memorial Park and is still the 4th Sunday of the week, be mindful of your combat authorizations and membership expirations. Awards can only be given to people with current memberships, per Society and Kingdom laws. Speaking of Populace Day, Octobers was another huge success with a 8 person Armored Combat tournament and an embarrassment of food. Lady Rusa did an outstanding job organizing the event.

Crown Tournament and our Barony’s 40th anniversary approaches! The event page is located at and will be constantly be updated. We look forward to seeing all our old and new friends there! Siege of the City ( is the other Southern Outlands event for October, we hope as many people from the Barony can make it out. The City of Rocks park is an amazing place for camping and events.

Tui humiles servi,

Carlos and Joella, Baron and Baroness of the Citadel of the Southern Pass.

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