Greetings to one and all,
I hope this missive finds you well in this waning time of pandemic. As much as we wish this all to end quickly, we must still be safe and act in the best interests of all among us. Our dream is a shared one meant to be enjoyed by a community and this means we will act in the interest of our community. Thank you for all that you do in support of the dream and as we turn towards opening back up again we will keep safety at the center of how we act.
Their Royal Majesties have announced the path forward for us and we will discuss the specific Baronial plans on the 15th of April at 7:00 PM at the Officers Meeting and again at the Populace Meeting on the 17th at 10:00 AM. We will use the Google Meet for the Barony for both events with the link being found on the Event Calendar or here:
We will be having Bystander Intervention training provided by the Kingdom Seneschal, which is designed to encourage a “see something, say something” attitude to keep our members safe. As supporters of chivalry and honor, it is our charge to look out for one another and this training will help identify methods for dealing with potentially negative situations.
Even as we open up, there will be various steps and procedures involved in hosting and scheduling events. We will follow the letter of the law as a Barony to ensure we are holding ourselves to the highest standard while ensuring the safety of our members. I appreciate everyone’s patience and cooperation as we navigate some of these requirements.
We’re working to revamp portions of the website which will be getting a redesign in the near future as part of the Kingdom’s effort to enhance communication and the availability of information. The website and the Kingdom Newsletter remain the primary forms of communication, not social media. We here in the Barony will go a step further and get back to the core mechanics of communications reaching out in whatever medium is your preferred method. This includes phone calls and emails if that is how you prefer to get your information. We need to be better communicators and that means ensuring the message is received by those who express interest.
Thank you again for all you do and your participation in our shared dream. I’m excited to get things open again and seeing everyone. Please join us at our virtual Officers Meeting and Populace Meeting this month so we can figure out how best to serve your interest in the SCA.
I am always available at and if you need to speak you can email me to request my phone number. I’d love to be able to chat with you and see how you’re faring.
Yours in Service,
HE Bernardo dei Medici
13th Baron of the Citadel of the Southern Pass