Populace Meeting April 17 @10 am

Calling all fighters, artisans, members of the populace of the Citadel of the Southern Pass! Next Saturday we will have a virtual populace meeting. All are STRONGLY encouraged to attend. The Kingdom Seneschal will be speaking to us about additions to Kingdom policy. We will also be discussing how we will be following the BOD’s rules for reopening events. Please note that these rules are fluid right now as they are listening to epidemiologists, etc. for the best, current advice. As seneschal, I will be enforcing the rules as set by our Kingdom with the full support of TRM. Please know that we all have the best interests of everyone in mind as we focus on safety first and foremost.

The link for the meeting will be posted here Saturday morning as well as on Facebook.

While social media is wonderful, please use this official website for the most accurate information about practices, meetings, etc.

June 1 is still the proposed opening of the Kingdom. We are not to have any in person events, gatherings, or fighter practices until that point. Refrain from posting anything on ANY social media that suggests meetings/ practices are happening before June 1.

Fighters. There are changes to the authorization for fighting that HE and our marshall will update you on as well.

The one rule that will not be changing when we open is masks. TRM have stated that all will wear masks at all times at fighter practice (that means even when fighting-imagine your stamina once the rule is lifted), arts and sciences gatherings, etc. Please know that it is for everyone’s health and well-being.



Mistress Joella of Blue Lion’s Keep

seneschal Citadel

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