This year’s theme for Citadel Hastilude is King Renee de Anjou’s Book of the Tournament and as such, medieval pomp and circumstance are paramount for the event. What better way to add to the flavor and ambiance of the event than to fly your heraldry high in the wind on a beautiful silk standard or carry it in procession before Her Royal Majesty as you present yourself for the Grand Tournament?
We encourage all those who plan to attend the event to bring with them all of their standards, banners, flags, pennants and gonfalones and fly them proudly. Don’t have a banner? There is still time to make one! A bit of canvas and some acrylic paint goes a long way or see your local Arts and Sciences officer or the Baronial Clothiers and Textiles Guild for help! Don’t have your arms yet? See your local Herald or fly the badge of your home group! The Barony will also be producing silk standards to fly around the event and we will even be holding a banner making class very soon!
We look forward to the event and to all of the heraldry that will be displayed!