Investiture XIV

The Barony of the Citadel of the Southern Pass invites all to come together to celebrate His Excellency Bernardo dei Medici’s final court and the Investiture of Maese Carlos Nieto de Andrade and Mistress Joella of Blue Lion’s Keep as the 14th Barón and Baroness of the Citadel of the Southern Pass.

Date: March 4th 2023

Gates open at 9 am and the event ends at 10 pm

Location: Tobin Nations United Methodist Church 9410 Roanoke Dr, El Paso, TX 79924

From I-10: Head to US54, take exit 24 toward Fred Wilson Rd/Railroad Dr. Head North on Railroad Dr for 3.7 miles, turn left on to Hondo Pass Dr. Turn right onto Roanoke Dr, destination will be on the right .6 miles.

From US-54 (via New Mexico): Head south on US-54, exit McCombs and head south. Turn right on Sanders Ave, turn left on Roanoke Dr, destination will be on the left .1 miles

Site Fee: $20 Adults, $15 Members, Youth 17 to 15 are $15, children 14 and under are free. Feast is included in the fee. Pay Pay at the gate, Cash, or Checks made out to SCA Inc Citadel of the Southern Pass.

Merchant space will be available, $20 fee.

Autocrat Morgana of Land’s End,

RSVP (including food preferences) located at

There will be a table set up where you can give/trade old books, garb, feast gear, or any other items that clutter up your house you no longer need.

We will have a photographer on site (donation based) to take photographs of the populace in garb.

The church asks that we not park on the Wren side of the building.

  • There will be a donation lunch.
  • Feast details
    • Appetizer
      • Roasted Parsnip and Honey Soup- Roasted parsnip drizzled with honey served with bread. Vegetarian, Welsh. 
      • Albondigas en tomate- Beef and pork meatballs served in a tomato sauce. Spanish.
    • Entrée
      • Glamorgan Sausages- Shallow fried fritter with Cheddar and Havarti cheese. Vegetarian, Welsh.
      • Tortilla Española- Egg omelet with potatoes and onions served with aioli. Spanish.
    • Dessert
      • Pwdin Eva- Bed of baked apples topped with a vanilla sponge served with a vanilla custard. Welsh.
      • Tarta de Santiago- Almond based cake with a hint of lemon. Gluten Free, Spanish.
  • There will be a competition for Baronial Bard (rules below)
  • Site is dry.
  • Please no stakes in ground if you bring a shade.
  • We will be making a pin book with wooden covers as a A&S project. We only have supplies for 24 so please sign up at registration if you are interested.
  • Mistress Catriona will be teaching Court Dancing in the afternoon.
  • Members of the Citadel populace have graciously sponsored two martial tournaments.
    • Lord Seamus O’Glacain has sponsored the armored tournament with a Swiss five format (five rounds spear/polearm, sword & shield, Florentine, great sword, and then axe). Prize is the materials to make a new weapon or two.
    • Lord Frederick Fortescue has sponsored the rapier tournament (format to be determined). Prize is an assortment of feast gear.
    • We hope all can attend and those watching the combatants bring a small gift or favor to give to a combatant that inspires you or fights with honor.

Having seen the success at Coronation of the Craft Person’s Green, we would like to invite all artisans to set up space and teach/demonstrate their work or projects during the day at Citadel Investiture XIV (weather permitting outside).

What is a Craft Persons Green? Crafts Person Greens are interactive Arts & Sciences displays where the artisans are encouraged to teach at their display. All artisans at any level are encouraged to participate!

Please reach out to Her Grace Morgana if you have any questions.

Hail Citadel! The rules for the Baronial Bard competition to be held at Investiture will be as follows:

Original composition on the glory of the Citadel. May be spoken, sung, or sung and accompanied musically. If you could please keep your composition under 5 minutes, please.

Event Schedule

(Subject to change at Their Majesties’ and Excellency’s Whims)

April 2022

We had a wonderful demo at Bel Air High School’s Big Red Comic Con.

Thank you to Lord Torbjen and his wife Diana, and their sons Clark and Bruce, Lord Cao Sheng, Lady Ásdís Alfriðardottir, and Joaquin for coming out and making this our first demo in…years.. be awesome. We had a large TV screen that ran SCA videos to show the visitors the larger events such as Crown Tournament and Pennsic. We also had a punching bag along with boffer weapons that allows visitors to try out the form and feel the fun that fighting is in the SCA.

We are still looking for applicants for: Treasurer, Arts & Sciences, and Chatelaine. If you are interested, please contact me at

Yours in Service,

Mistress Joella of Blue Lion’s Keep

Request for help for a demo

March 22nd HE Joella and I are traveling to the Kingdom of the Outlands A&S competition in Fontaine/Farmington NM. That same day Big Red Comic Con will be having its 6th annual event at Bel Air Highschool. We have been able to attend the event for a number years but we would need a team of people to go.

We have space to do demonstration fighting, show off games, and work on A&S projects.

Please reach out to us if you are able to assist with this demo.

Week of March 3rd, 2025

This week :


Weather permitting, members of Citadel plan to travel to Las Cruces for their rapier practice.


Rapier skills and drills 5:30 – 7:00pm, Memorial Park Library


HE Joella will be teaching an embroidery class, location being confirmed


Baronial Day, 10 AM Memorial Park

January 2025 Business and Officer Meeting

All are encouraged to join us tomorrow.

Thursday, February 27 · 7:00 – 9:00pm

Google Meet joining info

Video call link:

Or dial: ‪(US) +1 302-503-0196‬ PIN: ‪521 737 528‬#

More phone numbers:

Officer Openings January 2025

Bore da, Citadel!

As I discussed at Populace yesterday, our Knight Marshal and A&S Minister have recently resigned. We wish them every success as they take a well earned rest.

This means these offices are now open.

In addition, as I mentioned, I will be stepping down to focus on my transition to Kingdom Seneschal.

The period for Letters of Intent will run until the end of March 17th, so all the way up through 2359.

In the case of Knight Marshal and A&S Minister, those chosen will begin once announced. I will work with my replacement on a transition timeline.

I want to again emphasize what Their Excellencies said yesterday. These are low pressure jobs in a stable, well-functioning, group. They’re a great way to learn a particular office or officeholding in general, and you will be supported and guided.

Letters of Intent can be emailed to:

Please CC the appropriate Kingdom and Baronial Officer

A&S: and

Knight Marshal: and

Seneschal: and

Separately, we are seeking an Emergency Deputy for the Office of the Exchequer.

For Deputies, there is no application period. Just let Their Excellencies and myself know, using the emails above, and CC – you do not need to CC Kingdom, that gets taken care of later.

We very much appreciate your consideration. If this isn’t something you feel like you can do right now, that’s totally fine too. Or if you’re not quite ready but want to learn what these offices do, you could also consider becoming a deputy – that’s true of any of our offices, and that usually begins with a conversation with the officer you want to become a deputy of.

I have the honor to be, your obedient servant,

Don Emrys ap Gwalchmei


Winter Coronation Court Report 2025

Herein begins the baronial court report for Winter Coronation in the Citadel of the Southern Pass, held on January 18th & 19th 2025, being 59 A.S.

Their Excellencies Carlos and Joella, Baron and Baroness of the Citadel of the Southern Pass, gave the following awards.

• An Austrum Australis was given to Frederick Fortescue of the Citadel on 1/19/25.

The Guard Azure saw fit to induct Arnora Ulfvadsdottir and Symont Merrick of Dorchester into their ranks.
Her excellency spoke about the community building project that the Citadel had undertaken, planting sunflowers with the tools provided by Graff Iohann, when he was made a laurel. The Citadel then gathered the seeds of the initial sunflowers to distribute at this coronation so that others may take a piece of the Citadel back with them.
Thanks was given to the autocrats of the event, Don Emrys ap Gwalchmei and Lady Julia Alexandria for their service.

Yours in Service,
Yaḥyā ibn Fāris ibn Ḥasan al-Marī.
Rook Pursuivant of the Citadel of the Southern Pass

Winter Coronation 2025 Thank You

The Citadel of the Southern Pass was honored to host the Coronation of TRM Zachariah and Mariana. During the weekend, there was the time to visit with close friends, build new friendships, and renew friendships forged decades ago as many traveled long distances to attend.

We are honored by the many people from our barony as well as the southern region who stepped in to help make this event so memorable, and it would take days to list them all here, and we humbly apologize if we omit you from our acknowledgements.

The event stewards, (newly-made) Don Emrys and Domina Juliana, managed a team of volunteers that worked effortlessly to make Coronation run smoothly.  Lord Arcadio and Lady Kate worked magic in the kitchen, Mistress Constance’s care and service to us and others was a balm, Ibara Kensai’s help with setup and tear down was a blessing, M’lord Raul and the Celis family were amazing at gate.  Thank you to all the Bears Gate people for their assistance, Lady Aoife and her group for the wonderful music performed all afternoon, and so many, many more.

Thank you to Her Excellency Magistra Adelaisa for the last moment assistance with the incredibly successful largess derby, and to Her Excellency Bronwen for running incredibly successful silent auction for the Kingdom travel funds (over $900 collected). A extra thank you to m’Lady Tally Fortescue for making the small Citadel thank you gifts that we shared with all those whose help was greatly appreciated.

Service is almost invisible, but if you remember someone who did great service, fought well, inspired others, created art, or added sparkle to the Kingdom and Society, please please please submit an awards recommendation 

Many members of the Citadel of the Southern Pass participated in the tournaments on Sunday of Coronation Weekend, and brought honor and word fame to themselves and the Barony.

Tui humiles servi,
Carlos and Joella, Baron and Baroness of the Citadel of the Southern Pass

January 2025 Populace

Hail Citadel! This Sunday is Populace Day! With the post Coronation rush past us, Her Excellency and I hope all can come out to Memorial Park and enjoy each others company!

I will work on having a warm drink, if everyone else could bring tables, chairs, and sweets to share!

10 AM Memorial Park, Grant St circle.

Tui humiles servi,
Carlos and Joella, Baron and Baroness of the Citadel of the Southern Pass

Week of January 13th 2025 events

This week:

Coronation Weekly prep meeting, Wednesday, January 15 7:00 – 8:00pm; online

Rapier skills and drills, Thursday 5:30-7pm Memorial Park Library; 3200 Cooper Ave

Coronation set up, Friday January 17th 4PM Tobin Nations United Methodist Church 9410 Roanoke Dr, El Paso, TX 79924

Master of Defense vigil for Don Jehan, Friday January 17th 7PM; reach out to Their Excellencies ( for directions

Outlands Coronation Saturday, January 18 and Sunday 19th all day

January 9th Rapier skills and drills practice cancellation

Tonight’s “Rapier skills and drills” at the Memorial Park library has been pushed back a week, we apologize for the inconvenience.

January Arts and Sciences Project Day

Will be moved this month to Saturday the 11th from 4-5:45 at the El Paso Public Library Memorial Park Branch. We are trying out the space to see if it works and also to see if Saturdays are more convenient.

3200 Copper Ave, El Paso, TX 79930, USA