Good evening Citadel!
We had a very productive meeting this month! Lots of change and lots of new information, so please bear with me and feel free to reach out if you need more information.
The populace has requested the reinstatement of Citadel University for newcomers (and not so newcomers) to further medieval studies and practices. This will help guide the populace in creating and furthering their persona and enriching their experience in the SCA.
We are looking into a Passport program to help guide newcomers in their journey, to find their path, and enrich their medieval life. It will not be a requirement, but simply another tool to help.
The Baron would like to ask the populace to make the more medieval choice, come to meetings, participate in council meetings you are interested in, reach out for help, don’t take yourself too seriously, and to take care of each other.
Council meetings will start to take place at regular intervals and as needed to discuss changes and ideas. If you have an idea or an issue, please come to the council meetings- your needs and wants will be relayed to the officers’ meetings. Any topics brought up at the officers’ meetings will be taken to council meetings so that everyone has the chance to have input. If you cannot physically attend a council meeting, please email, text, call or message one of the heads of the councils.
We will be studying and learning the Corpora, the set of legal rules that govern how the SCA runs. Please take the time to read and learn and ask questions of those around you, knowledge is power and helps everyone have a more in depth experience.
We are in the process of looking at the long range calendar, making sure all events are on the calendar and everyone is taken care of. Please look over the calendar and make suggestions. We are actively looking for event stewards, if you would like to help but don’t know how, ask! It is time to begin planning Hastilude (summer) and St Edriks (fall)- remember, we need a minimum of 90 days before any large event to process paperwork and make sure everything is taken care of.
The website is the official source of information, we need to make sure we are posting to the website, not just the FB page and group. We are looking into additions to the website to make finding information more user friendly.
Households and guilds will need to meet to discuss being chartered or unchartered. Please look over the handbooks and financial policies, or reach out for help making these decisions- its the difference between being able to post to the official sites and calendars and being independent.
The A&S officer would like to request the populace be more responsive to her calls for monthly reporting. It is important to get your works out to the kingdom monthly! You deserve to be seen for your works.
The marshalled activities are seeing good, healthy numbers with Rapier having 9-12 in attendance weekly, 4 heavy fighters weekly, and archery saw 1102 in attendance in March. No injuries reported.
The rampart herald is on hiatus, so there is nothing new to report for the herald’s office.
The exchequer has nothing new to report.
We have a few upcoming events- Clan Wars, Outlandish, daytrip to Blackwater Keep, a populace day and officers meeting.
In closing, please submit all reports by email as usual and to the website by the 5th of each month so the populace and officers have time to look over each report before the officers’ meeting.
- Domina Julia Alexandria, mka Jessa Honaker