Hale Mighty Citadel!
Your Champions have been chosen! The Feast of Saint Edrik, celebrated in October in honor of the founding of the Barony, is the event where all of our Baronial Champions are chosen through tournaments and contests as befitting the appropriate disciplines that each position represents. We are pleased to announce those honorable folk who were victorious and will thus represent, support and promote their respective disciplines within the Citadel as well as throughout the Far Southern Region of our Mighty Kingdom. The Champions are as follows:
Lord Tachibana Hideaki of the Shire of Nahrun Kabirun (mka Robert Salinas) is our Armored Combat Champion and bearer of the Baron’s Sword.
Lady Dragoslava of the Shire of Nahrun Kabirun (mka Lana Kimmel) is our Rapier Champion and Baroness’ Protector.
Lord James Erskine of the Citadel of the Southern Pass (mka Jim Volker) is our Archery Champion and the Baron’s Hunter.
M’lady Agnes Pemberton of the Citadel of the Southern Pass (mka Diana Mack) is our Youth Champion of Archery.
Lady Rita Die Perle Von Der Wetterau of the Citadel of the Southern Pass (mka Rita Mock) is our Arts & Sciences Champion.
M’lady Halima bint Tariq ibn Yusuf al Ghassani of the Citadel of the Southern Pass (mka Helen Maloof-Salazar) is our Youth Arts & Sciences Champion.
His Lordship Aradon of FalconRose of the Shire of Nahrun Kabirun is our first Blue Tower Bard.
Congratulations to all of our champions! Citadel is truly fortunate to have such amazing and talented people in its service for the next year! We would also like to thank our outgoing Champions for all of their hard work and support over the last year. We look forward to continuing to serve The Dream with you!
Despite a rather wet start, Citadel’s Feast of Saint Edrik was a great event! We had such a wonderful time and we were honored to have both of their Royal Highnesses in attendance. Domina Julia and her staff worked hard to make sure that everything ran smoothly and Lady Angelica’s feast was truly fit for Saint Edrik himself! This was the first time that Saint Edrik was a camping event and we loved the site. Domina Julia started a tradition that we do hope will continue. The normally fair weather that we enjoy here in the south while most of the rest of the Kingdom is settling in for the winter months is a great attraction that we hope to develop in the coming years. We are already looking forward to next year’s event!
Citadel was well represented at Queen’s Prize during the College of Saint Golias’ Feast Day and 40th Anniversary with three participants, His Lordship Edmund, m’lady Halima and His Excellency Tariq. The Saint Golias defender also had a Citadel fighter competing, m’lord Louis. It was a wonderful event where many Outlands artisans brought out their best.
In addition to the various events, our Barony participated in three different demos over the last month where we were given the opportunity to shine and interact with the El Paso community at-large. There was much interest and we have even had several newcomers attending both Baronial Day and our weekly rapier practice. We look forward to getting to know these new folks much better over the coming months. We would like to thank Lord Bernardo for his help in getting these demos organized.
Now that we are finally settling into the winter months, we look to the next few events that we encourage you all to attend. This very weekend (November 10) is Outlands Fall Coronation, where Their Royal Highnesses Hrorek and Slaine will ascend the Stag Throne. This auspicious event will take place in the Shire of Drygestan (Santa Fe, NM) at the Scottish Rite Temple in downtown. It is a beautiful site and always a great event.
Following Coronation, We will be attending al-Barran Midwinter in the Barony of al-Barran (Albuquerque, NM. Al-Barran always throws a great party and this event is extremely well attended by Outlanders from all parts of the Kingdom. Midwinter is an excellent opportunity to meet folks from different parts of our wide Kingdom.
Finally, we all are preparing for Citadel Twelfth Night on January 12, 2019. Preparations are well underway and more information will be forthcoming. We are always looking for good gentles to volunteer for all manner of tasks pertaining the running of this, our major signature event of the year. Please contact Their Excellencies Tariq and Elieth if you would like to help out!
In addition, we would like to announce that Dominus Servius Cassius Caledonius Ahenobarbus (mka Scott Honaker) has been selected and appointed as the Citadel’s Knight Marshal. We would like to thank him for his willingness to take the lead on the marshalled activities in the Barony and we look forward to working with him over the next two years of his warrant in the promotion of combat and archery in the Citadel as well as in the deep south of our Kingdom.
In closing, we would like to thank you all for your continued support of us and of the Barony. The Citadel is strong and healthy thanks to all of you and your hard work. As we look to the future we will continue to provide all of the care and support that is needed to keep us united and strong. Keep up the good work everyone!
In Service to the Citadel, The Kingdom, The Dream, and especially to all of you,
Tariq and Elieth
Baron and Baroness of the Citadel of the Southern Pass