What is this Signoria thing? It was the system of government used by medieval Florence that combined the nobility with the rise of the burgher class into a way to govern the city-state. It took on several forms throughout its existence and worked in concert with other elected councils. Some councils were permanent while others …
Tag: MySCA
Apr 10
Words from our Baron and Baroness, Tariq and Elieth
Onto the Mighty Barony of the Citadel of the Southern Pass do we, Tariq and Elieth, Shayk and Shayka of these great lands send greetings! We write today as we see the end of our days fast approaching. We have joyfully served Crown, Kingdom, and Barony over these last four years but alas, the time …
Apr 04
The Archer: April 5, 2019
Good morning archers! Looking like mid 70s, sunny with light winds for tomorrow. Come on out and get some shooting in! -Jessa phoenixnest915@gmail.com