Throughout history, the generosity of the Landed Nobility has been termed “largesse”. In the SCA, the giving of largesse by the Crown and Coronets allows for them to show that their wealth and happiness is a direct result of the wealth and happiness of the populace. Not only is gift-giving expected of Royalty, it is …
Tag: el paso
Jun 16
What is the Recruitment & Retention Council?
The Barony has shown remarkable recovery over the past 4 ½ years since the Investiture of Baron Christopher and Baroness Jamilla. During their tenure the Barony went from 38 (paid) members to 88 at their stepping down (Their tenure lasted 21 months). The Barony is currently at 92 (paid) members, having peaked at 106 between …
May 20
How to prepare for A&S Competition
- By Citadel Arts and Sciences in Archive, Arts and Science News, Featured in Slider, Homepage, Officer News
Illumination Consider what type of competition it is and post source. You probably have many inquiries so come and join us on the 12 of June, 2017 at 3309 Nairn St , El Paso, Tx 79925. Lady Rita Perle von der Wetterau