Webminister Monthly Officer Report for Mar 2020

Monthly Stats

Unique Visitors
Hits: 90,739 Visits: 4,933

Top 10 Pages
1. /wp-login.php
2. /wp-cron.php
3. /
4. /contact-us/
5. /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php
6. /wp-content/themes/graphene/fonts/font-awesome/fonts/fontawesome…
7. /feed/
8. /wp-json/contact-form-7/v1/contact-forms/2820/feedback
9. /activities/baronial-calendar/
10. /wp-content/plugins/yet-another-related-posts-plugin/includes/st…

Keywords (Top Five)
1. of
2. the
3. google
4. get
5. out

Referrals (Top Five)
1. http://m.facebook.com
2. https://is.gd/VGIUKH
3. https://is.gd/QvHuUp
4. https://is.gd/qYOmec
5. https://is.gd/JOOBM0

Exit Pages (Top Five)
1. /wp-login.php
2. /
3. /contact-us/
4. /wp-content/themes/graphene/fonts/font-awesome/fonts/fontawesome…
5. /feed/

Visit Rate
197 seconds

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