Knight Marshal Monthly Officer Report for Sep 2019

Heavy Combat
No injuries reported
Saturday practices have low attendance.
Wednesday and Sunday practices are doing well with fighter count increasing as temps drop.
Loaner gear is a work in progress. Budget proposal has been submitted for the new year.

Heavy Fighter Marshals

Heavy Fighter Count
Avg: 3
Total count: 28

Light Combat
No injuries reported
No report submitted

Light Fighter Marshals

Light Fighter Count
No report submitted

No injuries reported

Archery Marshals
Tariq(George Maloof)

Archery Count
Avg:198 public
15 SCA
Total Count:595 public
46 SCA

Heavy & Light
Wed: 6:30pm-9:00pm
Sat & Sun: 10:00am-2:00pm


Authorizing marshal in the citadel