Knight Marshal Monthly Officer Report for Jul 2019

Heavy Combat
No injuries reported this month.

Location for Wed night practices has been acquired, with week day practices now commencing for heavy fighters at Hacienda Park at 7pm.

We now practice 2 times during the weekend, after battlemoor the saturday practice will be more focused on tournament fighting, sunday practice will be more laid back and melee/war fighting if enough people attend.

Thank you Lord Balthazar for helping fix up loaner gear.

Thank you to the knight thats been teaching our fighters on the weekend practices!

Heavy Fighter Marshals

Heavy Fighter Count

Light Combat
No injuries reported this month.

Light Fighter Marshals

Light Fighter Count

No injuries reported this month.

Marshal stepped down, letters of intent are to be sent in.

Practice was not held during this month due to weather and other issues.

Archery Marshals
Domina Julia

Archery Count


Need swords to be made(wood has been donated) for heavy fighting.

Some more heavy armor repair and organization.