Group Synopsis
The Barony is very active, we have automated the reporting process and have set up new processes for events and record keeping. We are adding a second fighter practice on Saturdays and will be getting the fighters and populace back together on week night practices by moving the Wednesday night practice to a park. saw 5,775 visits in june. 33 heavy fighters in June, 35 light fighters, archery saw many weather related cancellations. Current archery captain is stepping down due to health and personal issues, letters of intent are being accepted through August 1. No injuries reported in June for any activities
Past Business
Citadel University started back up
New Business
Saturday fighter practice, wed park practice. battlemoor coming up in July, preparations need to be made. Online A&S class request form created.
Upcoming Events
Battlemoor, hastilude, st edrik, 12th night, fall coronation bid to be put in
Many many A&S projects, to include:
The Barony Continued to have practice for the Choir (Calyx Harmonia) completing 3 Monday night practices with an average of 8 to 10 members attending and singing.
o The HL Edmund continued to host his class on Tablet weaving, completing 2 lessons, 1 on setting up the warp of the weave, and pattern reading.
o The A&S minister with Guidance from HE, hosted a small workshop to hep design and put together new war tabards, with 1 completed, and parts for 5 more cut out ready to sew.
Individual Achievements Reported to the A&S Minister
The members of the populace have reported, and have a great deal to report as everyone has been busy busy busy crafting away, and researching through the depths of musty libraries, and ancient scrolls. As follows:
o Ty Sponchia and Ralph Barker both have been brew fine beverages for which to sip upon in an adult manner in the forms of Beer, Wine and Meade
o Ty Sponchia and Tariq both have assembled wooden seats to sit upon and rest ( i cant help but wonder if they are for sipping adult beverages…. )
o Tariq has been a busy prepping for a block printing class for Battlemore, as well as block printing fabric for some one to use, tooling a squires belt.
o Both Tariq and Umamah Bint Zayd Al-Andalusiyyah have been conducting lots of research into the many facets of life with in our time frame of the SCA such as conducting a Haji (pillgrimage) and research for classes.
o the HL Edmund put together classes for tablet weaving as well as constructed a adufe
o Jai T Perkins and Rita worked on illumination of manuscripts and such.
o Ellie worked with Calyx Harmoniae and the Stag Choir
o Balthazaar worked on designing a new chest piece for his wams with a citadel war ensign on it.
o Albrecht and HE Bernardo worked on a new design for a war tabard for the barony