June Populace Meeting Follow Up


We had a great Populace Meeting today, Saturday, following our Officers Meeting on Thursday. I think this format works wonderfully and helps us get better at communicating as a Barony. One of the big points we’re trying to drive at is communication and hosting Populace Meeting quickly after the Officers Meeting is a great way to ensure each of the Officers can address topics that either require populace input or benefit from getting that message out to more members.

More Fighter Practices for Everyone!

Speaking of which, just to wrap up some of the topics we discussed today, we are moving Fighter Practice officially to Saturdays and will be adding a Fighter Practice to Sunday. Why did I state it that way? Because we are shifting our Tournament Fighting practice to Saturdays and creating a more team oriented practice on Sundays. This way we can catch people on the weekends when they can’t make it to one of the days. No one said we can’t have multiple practices, right? Moh practices, moh betta! Even when you thought that couldn’t get any better, we are even adding a weekday practice back to the schedule for Heavies. We are currently exploring Yucca Park as an option for a combined Light and Heavy weekday practice on Wednesday. The current hangup is whether or not the lighting will be sufficient for our needs, so expect word on that soon.

Event Bids. Thank You for the Submissions.

We have several bids and packages for all of our events through Twelfth Night in 2020. That means St Edrik’s, Fall Coronation, St Stephen’s, Twelfth Night and Hastilude have either had packages submitted or at least plans in the works to do so. The goal is to have bids in 10 months beforehand, so expect announcements for bids to follow shortly behind the completion of that event. Each of the coordinator teams have also teamed up with some of our local peers to help gain mentorship and guidance on stewarding an event.

Please Use the Website.

Please use the website. That was the major push and theme of the open discussion we had. This website is the officially official source of information. If there is a conflict between Facebook and this website, this website is correct. Always fall back to this website as the official source of information for the Barony.

More Cool Website Stuff

We have some cool features coming up for use on the website and expect a lot of the way we do business to become forms of their own kind. That means submitting A&S projects, event requests, after action reports, officer reports, etc. All of that will be put into forms so it will be much easier to submit things to us through official channels.


HE Bernardo dei Medici