The Outlandish Herald
The Kingdom’s Newsletter is something that serves as a central hub of all the official information about events, officers, and many other useful things. Ever had a question on when and where an event was going to be? Most of us just rush over to Facebook to look, but the official record is out there on the SCA website for you to find it. It’s pretty easy to find once you know where to look for it. Keep in mind, though, that you have to be a member in order to log in and get your own copy.
Our Quest Begins at
Your journey begins by simply clicking on this link or by typing into your browser’s URL window up top.

Once you’re at the website, just hover over Publications on the top bar. Once the menu appears, click on Kingdom E-Newsletters. It will prompt you to log in with the same information you use to manage your membership and take you right to a list of all the kingdoms. Just click on Outlands and you’re done. The Newsletter will either load into your browser for viewing or ask you to save it to your computer/device.
There’s Some Cool Stuff In There
There are articles, event listings, and some sweet pictures that I haven’t seen anywhere else. The article in May 2019’s edition has an awesome poem from Their Graces with some hidden subtext in it. It also has a letter from Their Majesties that they submitted before stepping up. It also lists all of the officers from the Kingdom, local groups, and the landed Barons and Baronesses. If any of it is wrong, you should email the Chronicler at
Make Sure Your Group’s Info is Right
As I said, you need to make sure your group’s info is up to date as well. This ensures that others in the Kingdom are in the know about who is what and where and how and when and why … or something … The OH as it is affectionately known is a great resource and we should be using it as much as we can!