Brandon from the Morning Show at KLAQ 95.5 FM is hosting part of his public Bachelor Party at Military Gamer Supply and the SCA has been invited to provide a demo to help promote participation at the Street Fest coming up in October. The Demo is scheduled for 14 September at MGS and will include several promo spots for other future demos and Citadel events.

This is our chance to start pushing promotional material out beyond our own social media reach and into other media platforms. It also begins to create a further reaching plan that strings our demos and events together. It helps set up our future demos and gets into the minds of potential recruits as we continue to provide exposure to all the awesome things we do, so, on Friday, the 14th we’ll begin our deliberate plan to grow our reach through several means. Show up, fight, display your A&S creations and talk about what the SCA does here and beyond. We’ll also be livestreaming the event through KLAQ and MGS’s YouTube, Facebook and Twitch channels.
One of the specific opportunities we have is to get Brandon into armor and fight Heavy. We also have Niko who is a nationally ranked fencer from the Morning Show. We have a chance to show off our own Light Fighters, so let’s show them what our Dons and Masters are made of! These promotional spots will also helps us promote our presence at the Street Fest and the DJs will also discuss their experiences live on the air.
The 5 W’s of the event:
Who: Fighters and A&S Artisans of the Local Area
What: Brandon’s Bachelor Party at MGS Demo Opportunity
Where: Military Gamer Supply, 1121 Larry Mahan Drive, Suite A, El Paso, TX 79925
Click Here for Google Maps Directions to MGS
When: 14 September 2018, 5:30 PM – 8:30 PM (Times are Subject to Change)
Click Here for Google Calendar Event
Why: To Demo the SCA and to promote future Demos/Events
For any questions, please contact Signore Bernardo at