Category: Officer News

Officer Openings January 2025

Bore da, Citadel! As I discussed at Populace yesterday, our Knight Marshal and A&S Minister have recently resigned. We wish them every success as they take a well earned rest. This means these offices are now open. In addition, as I mentioned, I will be stepping down to focus on my transition to Kingdom Seneschal. …

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January 9th Rapier skills and drills practice cancellation

Tonight’s “Rapier skills and drills” at the Memorial Park library has been pushed back a week, we apologize for the inconvenience.

January Arts and Sciences Project Day

Will be moved this month to Saturday the 11th from 4-5:45 at the El Paso Public Library Memorial Park Branch. We are trying out the space to see if it works and also to see if Saturdays are more convenient. 3200 Copper Ave, El Paso, TX 79930, USA

November’s (delayed) Business and Officer Meeting

All are encouraged to attend. Officers please send a note to the seneschal if you can not attend. There will be a meeting for all who are interested in volunteering for January Coronation. Thursday, December 5th · 7:00 – 9:00pm Time zone: America/Denver Google Meet joining info Video call link: Or dial: ‪(US) +1 …

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Introduction to Heraldry class (11/8/24)

Hail and well met gentle populace. It is my honor as the Chief Heraldic Officer of this Barony to inform you all that Friday, November 8th from 6-8p.m. at All Saints Episcopal, I will be teaching an intro to Heraldry class. I will be discussing the process for choosing and submitting a name as well …

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September Officer and Business meeting

Our Officer and Business meeting that was delayed will be this Monday the 30th. All officers are asked to attend or inform the Seneschal any updates, we will also be doing planning for The Feast of St. Edrik which is this upcoming Saturday. Business and Officer Meeting Monday September 30th · 7:00 – 9:00pm Time …

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August Officer and Business Meeting announcement

The monthly Business and Officer Meeting will be Thursday, August 22 · 7:00 – 9:00pm; all are welcome and encouraged to join us. Officers and deputies please reach out with reports if you can not.Time zone: America/DenverGoogle Meet joining infoVideo call link: dial: ‪(US) +1 302-503-0196‬ PIN: ‪521 737 528‬#More phone numbers:

Arts and Science Dance Class

Mistress Catriona will be coming down from al-Barran to teach Medieval court dancing in preparation for the Feast of St Edrik in October. She will be in town Saturday August 24th, we will have the class at All Saints Episcopal Church, starting at noon. Please bring snacks or drinks to share with others! You do …

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August Arts and Science Days

This Friday August 2nd we will meet at 6pm at All Saints Episcopal Church to begin making the tokens for our St. Edriks’ celebration. If you are able to please bring a sewing machine, blue thread, and scissors. We will be cutting out the patterns, sewing a stabilizing stich and then stamping them. Later this …

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July Arts and Science project days updates

Hail Citadel: This months Arts and Science project days have some updates. July 5 would be our Friday meetup but it’s also the week of Battlemoor so we are pushing that one to the 12th, and then the church is not available the 27th so we are going to move our Saturday project day to …

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