Category: Newsletter

Posts checked with this category will get featured in the upcoming issue of the Baronial Newsletter.

Open Officer Positions

Greetings to the people of the Citadel. Your barony needs you! Join the team of the cool kids and serve the barony in an officer position. Offices that need to be filled: 1) A&S minister 2) Rapier Marshal 3) Chronicler 4) Chatelaine 5) social Media Officer 6) webminister These offices are now open and letters …

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What is Largesse?

Throughout history, the generosity of the Landed Nobility has been termed “largesse”.  In the SCA, the giving of largesse by the Crown and Coronets allows for them to show that their wealth and happiness is a direct result of the wealth and happiness of the populace.  Not only is gift-giving expected of Royalty, it is …

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Officer Positions open in the Citadel of the Southern Pass

Greetings members of the populous.  After years of service the following officers are stepping down at Kingdom A&S in April and we need letters of intent to fill these positions. Exchequer Webminister Rapier marshal. If you are interested in serving the barony in any of these positions, please send letters of intent to the seneschal, …

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Citadel of the Southern Pass Polling

Their Excellencies Tariq and Elieth are pleased to extend an invitation to one and all to attend their Majesties as they poll the Baronial Populace in the process of choosing the successors of the Baronet of the Citadel of the Southern Pass. A polling will be conducted on March 24, 2019 at Citadel’s Baronial Day …

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Kingdom of the Outlands Arts and Sciences Competition, Queen’s Prize Tournament, and Baronial Investiture

Their Majesties of the Kingdom of the Outlands and their Excellencies of the Barony of the Citadel of the Southern Pass invite you to join us for the Kingdom of the Outlands Arts and Sciences Competition, Queen’s Prize Tournament, and Baronial Investiture. There will be a youth category for Queen’s Prize Tournament only. Judging will …

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Citadel’s new Archery event coming soon! A Hunt for Mythical Beasts

Folklore is littered with accounts of unusual beasts of all shapes and sizes.  Stories about strange beasts are told the world over. They offer excitement, a sense of wonder, and a chance to take a peek into an unusual world. A Hunt for Mythical Beasts will be a wild hunt for mythical creatures through wooded lands.  Armed with …

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Baronial Arts & Sciences Night on February 11th: Pets Throughout History

The history of pets is intertwined with the process of animal domestication, and it is likely that the dog, as the first domesticated species, was also the first pet. Perhaps the initial steps toward domestication were taken largely through the widespread human practice of making pets of captured young wild animals. Eventually, a working relationship …

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What is the Recruitment & Retention Council?

The Barony has shown remarkable recovery over the past 5 ½ years since the Investiture of Baron Christopher and Baroness Jamilla.  During their tenure the Barony went from 38 (paid) members to 88 at their stepping down (Their tenure lasted 21 months).  The Barony is currently at 91 (paid) members, having peaked at 106 between …

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Celebration Citadel’s Feast of Saint Stephen

Their Excellencies would like to invite you to their home on Friday, December 21, 2018 at 7 pm to enjoy an evening of friendship in Celebration of the Citadel Tradition of Saint Stephen’s. This potluck feast is a chance for the Populace for the Citadel to Celebrate the Holidays together. Their Excellencies will be providing …

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Outlands Volunteer Coordinator for Estrella War seeks a coordinator for Citadel

Greetings to teh faire and mighty populace of the Citadel of the Southern Pass! As you know, shortly after winter ends we will go to WAR!  Saerlaith inghean Robeaird, Outlands Volunteer Coordinator for Estrella War, is seeking one amongst our populace who would be a good and willing assistant for our Barony to help gather …

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