Thank you Citadel for another wonderful month. As we move forward with major plans and work towards some incredible goals I always want to take a moment to appreciate the hard work and effort that is put in by this amazing populace. I ask you to be kind to one another and seek to better …
Category: Baronial Letter
Reserved for the Baronial Letter for the Newsletter.
Jun 02
Baronial Letter for June 2019
Unto the populace of the Citadel of the Southern Pass, Greetings! May has passed into June and we haven’t been forced to consume the minstrels (RE: Monty Python and the Holy Grail), although it isn’t winter yet. Looking into Our Recent Past May was a great month and we accomplished many things thanks to all …
May 06
Baronial Letter for May 2019
Unto the Populace of the Citadel of the Southern Pass, Greetings. I hope this missive finds you well and in good health for this month of May in the common reckoning of years known as 2019. As I enter into the first month of my tenure as your Baron I am grateful to everyone for …
Mar 08
From our Baron and Baroness, Tariq and Elieth
Unto the good populace of the Citadel of the Southern Pass do we, Tariq and Elieth, Shayk and Shayka, send greetings! We write to you as our mighty King and Queen prepare to hold the tournament to find their heirs. This grand event will be held in the Barony of al-Barran on March 9, 2019. …
Feb 06
Greetings from Tariq and Elieth, Baron and Baroness of the Citadel of the Southern Pass!
Greetings to the Mighty Populace of the Citadel of the Southern Pass! We, Tariq and Elieth, Baron and Baroness do send you joyous greetings! The time of War is once again upon us! We must rally behind our Noble King and Queen beneath the banners of our great Barony! The time has come once again …
Feb 03
From our Baron and Baroness, Tariq and Elieth
Dear populace, friends and family We, Tariq and Elieth, Baron and Baroness of the Citadel of the Southern Pass send greetings. After 4 years of serving our beloved Barony as Baron and Baroness, we have decided to continue serving the Dream in other ways, so that others may have the opportunity to lead the Barony. …
Nov 08
Words from Their Excellencies Tariq and Elieth
Hale Mighty Citadel! Your Champions have been chosen! The Feast of Saint Edrik, celebrated in October in honor of the founding of the Barony, is the event where all of our Baronial Champions are chosen through tournaments and contests as befitting the appropriate disciplines that each position represents. We are pleased to announce those honorable …
Sep 10
Words from Their Excellencies
Unto the Mighty populace of the Citadel of the Southern Pass do we, Tariq and Elieth, Baron and Baroness, send greetings! As first order of business, we wish to announce that the Outlands has Royal Heirs! Al hale Hrorek and Slaine, Crown Prince and Princess of the Outlands! We look forward to a long and …
Aug 29
Murder! Mystery! Intrigue!
There has been a murder in Citadel on the most glorious weekend of birthday celebrations and championships! Come, join us for a weekend of mystery and championships on the west side of El Paso, Texas at the BSA Yucca Council Camp Pioneer. We will be having competitions for Archery, Heavy, Rapier, A&S, Youth Archery, and Youth A&S champions. Please stay …
Aug 09
From our Baron and Baroness
Hail Mighty Citadel! Her Excellency Elieth and I do send you joyous greetings and salutations! We write to you today as Her Excellency has travelled to the faraway lands of Argonia to visit the mighty Chiefdoms of the lands of the rich coast, the lands of her ancestors. As we anxiously wait for her return …