Thank you for checking out the Baronial Letter for this month. I’m very excited about what we’ve been doing and what we have coming up in the Barony. Thank you all for your hard work and contributions towards making us successful as a family and a team.
We have completely reworked the loaner gear and have brand new equipment where we’ve ensured the safety of future newcomers checking out Heavy Combat. We hosted Coronation, which was very well done, attended, and lauded as a great success. Coming up there are a lot of events around the Kingdom, but I’ll be focusing on al-Barran Midwinter in December and Caerthe Twelfth Night in January. If you’d like to join me, please let me know!
The A&S Council met and put out a few events on Facebook and the official Calendar to help us prepare for Citadel Twelfth Night and Estrella War. Thanks to Lord Albrecht for honchoing the A&S schedule as our A&S Minister. We’ve had some really beneficial workshops and there’s many more to come!
What We’ve Done – Fall Coronation
Fall Coronation was absolutely wonderful. The food was amazing and the event was well run with many comments about how Citadel is doing great things. I want to thank the entire staff and Event Steward, Domina Julia who worked very hard to put on such a great event. War Practice was also a huge success and we learned a lot from our Brothers and Sisters in the North. It was a great opportunity to fight together as a Southern unit and we’ve already begun addressing some of the feedback items we gathered.
Their Royal Majesties, King Bela and Queen Nerissa had many fine words for the populace, not the least of which was to remind all of us to submit Award Recommendations. In order to do so for the Kingdom, please log in using this link. Once you’re logged in, head on over to the Awards Recommendation page and submit your recommendations. They have asked to give them and their scribes at least 30 days of notice before an event at which Their Royal Majesties will be in attendance.
What We’re Doing – al-Barran Midwinter and St Stephens
There are two events coming up in December that are on my own radar including al-Barran’s Midwinter on the 14th with War Practice on the 15th. There is a group heading up, so if you want to attend and need a ride, please ask around. St Stephens, which is our local celebration and a thank you for all of the hard work is currently, tentatively scheduled for the 28th with the location being nailed down shortly. It is a light and fun revel focused around celebrating the populace and past Coronets of the Citadel, so it is being completely put together by me as a ‘thank you’ to you all. Details will be forthcoming as a lot hinges on the site getting back to me to lock in the location/date. You won’t have to bring anything but you and your garb. No fee will be charged for the event.
What We’re Planning – Twelfth Night and Estrella
Twelfth Night for Citadel is coming up on the 18th of January with War Practice on the 19th. Estrella War will be 14 to 18 February in Atenveldt (Arizona). There are quite a few folks indicating they will be attending War this year, so please join us.
Twelfth Night is being billed as a Masquerade Ball where there will be dancing and a buffet style feast. This is sure to be a fun event, so please consider attending and reveling with the populace.
A&S has been geared towards getting us ready for Estrella War, so if you follow the workshops, you will be more prepared for this and future camping events.
Long Range Planning – The Future
Along with the few things we have coming up in the near future, we have been planning the long range, or more distant future. In the immediate future, we have the Media Day coming up, which is currently, tentatively schedule for St Stephens. During the day we will conduct our press conference and demonstrations for the media and then at night we will revel! We will also have a follow up media opportunity at Twelfth Night during War Practice to get content and interviews out into the community.
Once we have the Media Day and the follow up completed we will work towards our Friday Night Fights events as a sort of Fighter League to help continue our exposure in the community. This way all of our demos will also come with media coverage to help extend our exposure as much as possible.
Rather than invent our own marketing department, we are looking to cooperate and work with local media outlets to push our message out to the community.