The Baronial website has seen some new additions to its list of features including a new Portal system that will help users navigate towards helpful sections based around activities in the Barony.
Activity Portals
In the upper menu you’ll now notice that the Events and Activities Tab has been broken up into Events and a separate tab for Activity Portals. These portals are designed to help combine forms and other features into their logical activity groups. Now we have A&S, Martial Activities, Newcomers, and Heraldry sections that will provide services based on those categories. The next addition will be an Event Stewards portal that will contain features and resources specifically centered around running events in the Barony.
Portals Don’t Replace People
The intent of the Portals is to allow officers to direct individuals towards resources, information, and articles that may be relevant to their offices, but it does not replace the need for these officers. Each of submission forms are to help ease administrative overhead and lessen the need for paper copies, but the officers still have requirements to fulfill in order to make the entire process work. We are focusing our process to make it easier, but that still requires a person behind the screen to make it work.
How Does it Help Us?
Now officers can point individuals to the website for their activity through which several forms are now available. Heralds can direct users to submit their name and device submissions through their activity portal. Populace members will soon be able to see where in the process their device is at any given time. The Marshals can direct users to the portal to see practice times, locations, and a small gallery of images. The A&S Minister can direct individuals to submit A&S class requests and images of projects they’ve been working on.
Newcomers can register for our newlsetter and receive a short welcome/intro email explaining how to get involved. The portal for Newcomers also includes a short video and some short descriptions of activities that are common in our Barony.