Hail Citadel! it has been a few months since our last Baronial letter, and we apologize! There have been great things happening in the Barony and in the Kingdom since we last wrote. There was the Dona Anna Arts Council Renaissance Fair, al-Barran’s Midwinter, our St. Stephen’s Day revel, Winter Coronation, and tournaments galore at Populace. Oh and Happy New Year!
War practice for War of the Phoenix was super fun and well attended, and we wish safe travels to all who attend it next month. Other upcoming events include Kingdom Arts and Science’s competition in the end of March. We will be working on getting people to go/participate/judge at the event and having a carpool set up. The Arts and Science project for this month will be an introduction to Silk Banners on February 16th at All Saints Episcopal Church, and on February 2nd (also at All Saints Episcopal Church) we will have a meeting for any members that are interested in going either as a competitor or spectator at Kingdom Arts and Sciences. It is a great opportunity to see what kinds of Arts and Sciences are out there.
A few last items that were raised at January’s populace. HE Joella and I would like to talk to all the Baronial orders over the course of the next few populaces, to see how we as a group can grow the orders and also serve the Barony together. Membership costs will be going up (https://www.sca.org/news/membership-fee-increase-effective-february-15-2024/) and we hope all can renew their memberships to bolster numbers for the Barony and the Kingdom. You need to be a paid member to be an officer, to receive awards, and it will save you $10 on Non-Member Registration fees at events.
We look forward to continued growth in the Barony, fun with new and old friends, and most especially look forward to seeing everyone at Baronial Days or at Populace!
Tui humiles servi,
Carlos and Joella, Baron and Baroness of the Citadel of the Southern Pass.