New Year! New Barony?
We’ve done some pretty cool things on top of the great events you’ve all put on this past year including automation of some of the more menial officer tasks, shored up our heraldry submission process, and put some of the good ideas into writing with our new Baronial Financial Policy and local Baronial Administrative Policy. We’re through Phases I and II that I’ve discussed in the past, so now it’s time to focus on growth and having fun! Thanks to all the hard work in 2019 our New Years Resolution doesn’t have to be about slimming down or getting in shape; we’ve already done that.
Over the coming year in 2020 we’ll be focusing on some legit demos including Friday Night Fights and creating an ongoing narrative for folks to participate in and follow along as we share the Citadel culture and what it means to be part of Citadel with the local community. Our new press contacts and partnerships will start to grow bringing additional coverage to our shenanigans.
Closed Out ’19 with St Stephens and Media Day
December was an amazing month with St Stephens and Media Day taking place on the 28th. KFOX and CBS provided coverage of our event and we were featured on both channels during the nightly news segment. We even got commitments from them to cover War Practice on the 19th of January. It was the perfect day to say ‘thank you’ to the Populace for the past year and I’m eternally grateful for all that you do to make this Barony better.
Earlier in December we attended al-Barran’s Midwinter which was a ton of fun and a recharging event full of good food and great company. It definitely recharged my batteries and as always our cousins in the Barony took great care of us from Citadel. Thank you to all who attended this wonderful event alongside me. We had a solid showing from the Citadel of the Southern Pass.
January Promises to Be No Less Exciting
We have some great things coming up in January that I’m looking forward to quite a bit. We’ll have Twelfth Night and War Practice as well as some sweet A&S Events.
- 18 January – Twelfth Night – Masquerade Ball (so break out your masks!)
- 19 January – War Practice at Memorial Park
- 25 January – Privacy Wall Making – for our camp at Estrella (WAAARRRR!!!)
Fighter Practice is of course every Sunday at Album Park, except for when we have War Practice on the 19th. Wednesday Practices at Veterans Park will resume this month after the Holiday break. Stay tuned on our Facebook Group for more details and up to date info.
Officer Changes in January
I want to thank our outgoing officers, Johan and Monique for their contributions and welcome Caitriona and Ásdís as the new Rook and Deputy Chatelaine respectively. We’re very grateful to the past, current, and future efforts from all of our officers. Johan will be continuing as the Court Herald, so don’t worry, he’s not straying from the public service life.
I’m looking forward to what we have coming up in 2020. Of course we have Estrella in February, but we’re already working on St Edrik, and even next year’s Twelfth Night. If you’re interested in serving as Event Steward, please contact the Seneschal and let her know you would like to head up one of our events.