This past March we celebrated our 3rd anniversary as Baron and Baroness of this glorious Citadel of the Southern Pass. We have had the honor of representing the Crown in these lands and of sharing memorable experiences with our populace. In this Baronial Letter we will share some of the highlights the Barony has had during these three years.
First, it is important to mention that none of what has been accomplished during these three years would have been possible without the support of our Seneschals (Lord Bernardo dei Medici, Lord Marco Paolo, Lady Aoife Ruadh Inghean Ragnaill, and the current Seneschal Countess Claudia Lisabette Senetori). We would also like to thank the officers that have served during these three years, their deputies as well as the Barony at large.
Regarding membership, the Barony has consistently stayed above 80 members for these 3 years with an average of 86 members. In terms of events, the Barony has consistently held 4 events per year: Twelfth Night (January), Mayday (May), Hastilude (July-August), and St. Edrik (October). Regarding local activities, the Barony has been able to hold consistently scheduled activities every month. For example, these activities have been held consistently during this 3-year period: Fighter practice on Tuesdays and Sundays (for both rapier and heavy), Populace gatherings every third Sunday, A&S nights every second Monday and fourth Friday, Officers’ Meetings every third Thursday, Choir every Monday (except the second), Rapier practice every Wednesday, Scribal Guild meetings every second Thursday.
An important recruiting, outreach, and educational tool for the Barony has been Citadel’s archery program. The program was restarted in 2013 by His Honor Christopher, then Baron of the Citadel and on July 5, 2014 Citadel’s Archery Practice was officially relocated to the Museum and opened the program to the general public. We regularly have 12 – 15 regular archers in attendance with an occasional peak of up to 20 SCA participants. These numbers are in addition to the up to 60 members of the general public who do not participate in the SCA. Furthermore, since our format change, we have recruited at least 30 new members into the Barony (paid members) over the last three and a half years. It is important to acknowledge here all the gentles that have contributed to the Archery Program: the different Marshals that have lead the Program at different times and their deputies.
We have spent a considerable amount of energy to ensure that all activities put on by the Barony are open to any and all who wish to participate and that they are made to both feel comfortable and welcome.
Another important highlight during this 3-year period has been Citadel’s relationship with our Sister Barony, the Barony of Mons Tonitrus. The Barony has successfully cultivated a strong relationship with our sister Barony. Both their Baronet as well as their populace support the Citadel by attending our local events and lending us their talented artisans and we try to do the same for them.
As we move into our 4th year as Baron and Baroness we continue with our dedication to the growth and well-being of the Citadel and her populace. Once again, we thank you for your continued support of us and our efforts to create an environment that is both welcoming and enjoyable for all. As always we open and available to hear your comments and recommendations on how we can better serve the Barony and the Dream.
Yours in service,
Baron Tariq ibn Yusuf ibn Askari al Ghassani Baroness Elieth de Salazar
March 24th, 2018