As the summer winds down and we start preparing for the fall and winter feast events we also see that Estrella War is on the not-so-distant horizon. As part of our preparations, we will be unveiling the Road to Estrella War, which Signore Bernardo will be sharing with you all in the coming months. We however have deemed it important to get a head start on things in regards to Arts & Sciences, specifically in preparation for the inter-Kingdom Competition held every year at Estrella.
To this end, this upcoming Baronial Arts & Sciences Night will be devoted to beginning the process of preparation of entries that can be taken to completion. As an added bonus, entries that are created for Estrella War are also eligible to enter in The Citadel’s Art & Sciences Champion Competition that will be held at the Feast of Saint Edrik on October 19-22, 2018, as well as be displayed at Queen’s Prize to be held at Saint Golias Feast Day on October 27 in Socorro, NM.
Join us Friday Night at the Baronial Estate and let us support the Kingdom’s War effort through the Arts & Sciences (there is a war point for Arts).