10:00 – Gate Opens
6:00 Gate Closes
10:00 – Opening Court (Investiture)
After Court – A&S Entries for competition, Group Photo for CITADEL!
1:00 – A&S Judging
2:30 – Bardic Competition
6:30 – Closing Court (Awards & Recognition)
After Court – Feast
List Field:
After Court – Lists open
11:15 – Rapier Armor Inspection
11:30 – Rapier Constable Tournament Begins
11:30 – Armored Combat Melees!
1:15 – Youth boffer safety briefing
1:30 – Youth boffer tournament begins (Ages 7-12)
3:15 – Heavy Fighting Armor Inspection
3:30 – Baronial Banner Tournament Begins
3:30 – Rapier Melees!
Southern Pass Faire Class Schedule:
Table 1:
12:00 – Lucet Weaving (Instructor: THL Edmund Peregrine)
The lucet is an instrument for making cords and rope. These can be used for medallion cords, lacing, ribbons, etc. We will demonstrate the three basic kinds of knots. Lucets will be available for use and for purchase.
3:00 – An introduction to Celtic Illumination and Calligraphy (Instructor: Mistress Monika von Zell)
Elements of Celtic art and the uncial script. Handouts for up to 10. If you have a pen bring it but some will be available to try.
Table 2:
11:30 – What is the SCA? (Instructor: Sir Berold de Gilbert)
What is the Society for Creative Anachronism? Sir Berold will discuss what the SCA is, how it got its start, and how you can join in the fun.
2:00 – What is the SCA? (Instructor: Sir Berold de Gilbert)
What is the Society for Creative Anachronism? Sir Berold will discuss what the SCA is, how it got its start, and how you can join in the fun.
3:30 – Beginning Costuming for the SCA (Instructor: Lady Finnuila)
A discussion of one’s first garb for the SCA. Construction and personalization of a basic T-Tunic.
Court Yard:
1:00 – Bardic Competition
Come watch or perform in the Bardic competition. Sing a song, tell a tale, or any performance. Winner will be chosen by the crowd.
2:00 – Practical Drumming: Drumming for Dancers, Dancing for Drummers! (Instructor: Ldy Gininna)
Get what you need in order to assimilate yourself into any drum circle. Drummers and dancers will learn how to interact with each other and possibly even have conversations with each other involving only rhythms and movement. All levels are welcome!
4:00 – Bardic/Drum Circle
The “Bardic Circle” is the place for singing, storytelling, playing, dancing, and all the performing arts. Come join the fun in the circle to perform or just listen.
5:00 – Court and Country Dancing (Instructor Ldy Ginnina)
Re-create some easy dances from the middle ages! We will learn a few fun dances that will let folks experience what it was like to mingle in ages past! No prior experience needed other than the ability to smile, laugh, and have fun!
Kid’s Corner
Lady Mariah will entertain the children with period games and stories from 1:00 to 3:30.