Tag: society for creative anachronism

Words from our Baron and Baroness, Tariq and Elieth

Onto the Mighty Barony of the Citadel of the Southern Pass do we, Tariq and Elieth, Shayk and Shayka of these great lands send greetings! We write today as we see the end of our days fast approaching. We have joyfully served Crown, Kingdom, and Barony over these last four years but alas, the time …

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Baronial Polling and Q&A at March Populace Gathering

Do not forget that this coming Sunday at Populace Gathering Their Royal Majesties will be holding Baronial Polling and Q&A.  Please make sure that you will be in attendance of this extremely important event as this will be an amazing opportunity to share with the Crown your opinions on the current state of the Barony …

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Poppies Fest Demo this Saturday!

Good afternoon to all, Come out and support Citadel’s largest annual demo at Poppies Fest this coming Saturday (March 23) at the El Paso Museum of Archaeology!  This year beyond our normal Arts and Sciences display and hands-on archery demonstration we will be featuring a fighting field for both heavy and rapier fighting,  a fiber …

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From our Baron and Baroness, Tariq and Elieth

Unto the good populace of the Citadel of the Southern Pass do we, Tariq and Elieth, Shayk and Shayka, send greetings! We write to you as our mighty King and Queen prepare to hold the tournament to find their heirs. This grand event will be held in the Barony of al-Barran on March 9, 2019. …

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What is Largesse?

Throughout history, the generosity of the Landed Nobility has been termed “largesse”.  In the SCA, the giving of largesse by the Crown and Coronets allows for them to show that their wealth and happiness is a direct result of the wealth and happiness of the populace.  Not only is gift-giving expected of Royalty, it is …

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February Baronial Officer’s Meeting is this week

The Officer corps. of the Barony will be holding it’s regular monthly meeting this Thursday, February 14, 2019 at 7:00 pm at The Baronial Estate, 9900 Chinaberry Drive, El Paso, TX 79925. These meetings are open to all who wish to attend and we even have a portion of the meeting dedicated to public comment. …

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Citadel of the Southern Pass Polling

Their Excellencies Tariq and Elieth are pleased to extend an invitation to one and all to attend their Majesties as they poll the Baronial Populace in the process of choosing the successors of the Baronet of the Citadel of the Southern Pass. A polling will be conducted on March 24, 2019 at Citadel’s Baronial Day …

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Greetings from Tariq and Elieth, Baron and Baroness of the Citadel of the Southern Pass!

Greetings to the Mighty Populace of the Citadel of the Southern Pass!  We, Tariq and Elieth, Baron and Baroness do send you joyous greetings! The time of War is once again upon us!  We must rally behind our Noble King and Queen beneath the banners of our great Barony!  The time has come once again …

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Kingdom of the Outlands Arts and Sciences Competition, Queen’s Prize Tournament, and Baronial Investiture

Their Majesties of the Kingdom of the Outlands and their Excellencies of the Barony of the Citadel of the Southern Pass invite you to join us for the Kingdom of the Outlands Arts and Sciences Competition, Queen’s Prize Tournament, and Baronial Investiture. There will be a youth category for Queen’s Prize Tournament only. Judging will …

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Citadel’s new Archery event coming soon! A Hunt for Mythical Beasts

Folklore is littered with accounts of unusual beasts of all shapes and sizes.  Stories about strange beasts are told the world over. They offer excitement, a sense of wonder, and a chance to take a peek into an unusual world. A Hunt for Mythical Beasts will be a wild hunt for mythical creatures through wooded lands.  Armed with …

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