Mighty Citadel heed the words of Tariq & Elieth, Baron and Baroness!
Their Excellencies call upon the populace of the Citadel to Pray heed to the Date Change and attend the Baronial Day & Populace Gathering to be held on Sunday, October 7, 2018 on the south side of Album Park. The date change was made to accommodate the addition of a Kingdom War Practice in Nahrun Kabirun as well as help to provide good follow-up to the Street Fest Demo that we will be holding in Downtown El Paso on Friday and Saturday nights (we strongly encourage attendance of the demo as well!).
Fighter Practice begins at 10:00 am and then their Excellencies will hold court at 11:30 am.
Following court there will be prize tournaments held for both heavy and rapier fighters.
There will also be an opportunity to display your arts & sciences projects that you may be currently working on. This will be an excellent opportunity to get ideas and feedback for your Road to Estrella War A&S projects ahead of The Feast of Saint Edrik Arts & Sciences and Queen’s Prize Competitions.
Additionally there will be both field games and period board games on hand for your entertainment.
Also, bring your favorite dish to share as we will be holding a potluck feast as part of the day’s festivities.
Their Excellencies look forward to seeing you all on the 7th of October!